What is the meaning of Zoophagous?

feeding on animals
Medical Definition of zoophagous : feeding on animals : carnivorous.

What does boundlessly mean?

having no boundaries
: having no boundaries : vast boundless possibilities.

How to use the word hiraeth?

Hiraeth in a Sentence Cindy’s hiraeth to return to her childhood was strong because she wanted to change a big mistake that she made. 2. After the forest fire, many people’s hiraeth to their home was impossible since all of them had burned to the ground.

Is Surrealistically a word?

having features typical or reminiscent of those depicted in surrealistic painting or drawing: the moon’s surrealistic landscape. sur•re`al•is′ti•cal•ly, adv.

What does Zoophagous mean Dracula?

(of an animal) feeding on other animals. ‘He decides the man is a zoophagous maniac. ‘ ‘There is no character with the sustaining power of Count Dracula, or of Renfield, the zoophagous patient who eats flies and spiders.

What does benighted soul mean?

1 lacking cultural, moral, or intellectual enlightenment; ignorant. 2 Archaic overtaken by night.

What does Trunkless mean?

lacking a body
Definition of trunkless : lacking a body especially : severed from the trunk trunkless head trunkless brushwood.

Why do I feel hiraeth?

A blend of homesickness, nostalgia and longing, “hiraeth” is a pull on the heart that conveys a distinct feeling of missing something irretrievably lost.

Can hiraeth be used in English?

Hiraeth (Welsh pronunciation: [hɪraɨ̯θ, hiːrai̯θ]) is a Welsh word that has no direct English translation. The University of Wales, Lampeter, likens it to a homesickness tinged with grief and sadness over the lost or departed, especially in the context of Wales and Welsh culture.

What is a surrealism tattoo?

Surrealism Tattoos A surreal tattoo often blends elements of realism tattoos and transforms the subject into a hyperrealistic, blended juxtaposition, with paradoxical abstract imagery.

What does Utopist mean?

of or relating to a perfect or ideal existence. Also: utopistic. noun. 2. an idealistic social reformer.