Should reverb be pre or post?

Post fader is usually the way to go. The reason is that it keeps the ratio between the dry sound on the channel and the wet sound on the send. However, there are situations where you are going to want to use pre fader.

What is the difference between pre & post fader when using a reverb?

A pre fader send simply routes a copy of your track before the channel fader, whereas a post fader send will do this after your channel fader.

Should a compressor be pre or post fader?

I would recommend you put the compressor “pre-fader” because if you put it “post fader” you will have the compressor fighting what you’re doing. A compressor reduces the dynamic range. It makes loud stuff softer so you can make the soft stuff louder.

How do I use reverb sends?

Best way to use Sends and Returns in your DAW

  1. Find the reverb Return track. It’s near the Master track.
  2. Set your Return track Reverb to 100% wet.
  3. Use the corresponding Send knob (so ‘A’) to put reverb on each track. Use this knob as a wet/dry knob.
  4. Create as many additional Return tracks as you want.

What is post fader used for?

Post-fader Aux Sends are generally used as “effects sends,” to send a signal out from a particular channel to an effects processor (see WFTD Effects Loop).

What are aux sends used for?

An “Aux Send” is a type of output used on most live sound and recording mixers. It allows you to create an “auxiliary” mix in which you have individual level control over each input channel on your mixer to your “Aux Send” output.

What does post EQ mean?

The post EQ switch changes the signal routing in the unit so that after the preamp the signal goes to the EQ first and then the compressor. By EQing the signal before it is compressed you can alter how the compressor affects the signal.

What is FX send on a mixer?

Aux sends are sometimes labeled with different names such as “effects send,” “FX send,” MON (short for “monitor”) or even “foldback,” but they all work the same way: They serve as a secondary output from a channel that routes the signal to a place other than the main left and right speakers.

Is FX send mono or stereo?

According to the manual, it does appear to be stereo. It isn’t 100% clear, but it is a TRS connector and does not have insert functionality from the description and expects a stereo input to be used as the return.