What are the most common cropping systems?

The traditionally used cropping systems are monoculture, intercropping, crop rotations, fallows systems/shifting cultivation, strip cropping, multiple cropping, contour strip cropping, and cover crops.

What are the main types of farming conducted in Jamaica?

Agriculture is the basic industry of Jamaica. As the island possesses a wide variety of soil and climate, nearly every tropical product can be grown here. The chief economic crops are sugar, bananas, citrus, cocoa and coconuts, each of which is dealt with below in detail.

What are agricultural systems in the Caribbean?

Agriculture in the Wider Caribbean Re- gion is typified by three main systems of production: large-scale estate or planta- tion agriculture; small-scale sedentary agriculture; and migratory or shifting agri- culture. The first of these, large-scale plantation agriculture, is the dominant system in the region.

What are the traditional cropping techniques?

Agroforestry, intercropping, crop rotation, cover cropping, traditional organic composting and integrated crop-animal farming are prominent traditional agricultural practices.

What are the 4 types of cropping system?

Types of Cropping Systems: Mono cropping; Crop Rotation; Sequential Cropping; Inter Cropping; Relay Cropping – Civilsdaily.

What are types of cropping system?

The different types of cropping systems include: Mono cropping, Crop Rotation, Sequential Cropping, Inter Cropping, Relay Cropping.

What is agriculture in Jamaica?

Diverse: The main traditional export crops produced in Jamaica are sugar cane, bananas, coffee, citrus, cocoa and pimento with sugar cane contributing to 45% of earnings from all export crops. An important employer: Agriculture is particularly important for providing employment in rural areas.

Why is multiple cropping helpful in the Caribbean?

Multiple cropping can increase production and income and has additional benefits—increased crop diversity, improved functioning of agricultural systems, spare land for biodiversity or other uses and reduced use of inorganic fertiliser and pesticides.

What type of agriculture system is known as traditional agriculture system?

Traditional Agriculture can be defined as a primitive style of farming that involves the intensive use of indigenous knowledge, traditional tools, natural resources, organic fertilizer and cultural beliefs of the farmers. It is noteworthy that it is still used by about 50% of the world population.

What are the types of farming system?

Contents hide

  • Arable farming.
  • Mixed farming.
  • Subsistence farming.
  • Shifting Cultivation.
  • Plantation farming.
  • Pastoral/Livestock farming.
  • Nomadic farming.
