What are the benefits of Himalaya Liv 52 DS?

The Himalaya Liv 52 DS is a liver support supplement that ensures the healthy functioning of the liver. It essentially contains hepatoprotective agents and also has certain antioxidant properties. This herbal medication actively protects the liver from external damage due to chemicals.

How effective is Liv 52 DS?

The results demonstrated that the patients treated with Liv-52 for 6 months had significantly better child-pugh score, decreased ascites, decreased serum ALT and AST. In placebo administered patients all the clinical parameters recorded at beginning of the study were not significantly different than after 6 months.

When should Liv 52 DS be taken?

Liv 52 is a Ayurvedic medicine so you can take either before food or after food but according to my advice any digestive syrup should take after feed .

Can I take Liv 52 DS Daily?

Himalaya Liv. 52 DS Tablet should be used as directed by your physician. Ideally, it is recommended to be taken twice or thrice daily as per your condition and need.

How long Liv 52 DS can be taken?

Can Liv 52 DS be used for a long stretch of time spanning months or years? Ideally, the use of Liv 52 DS should not be extended beyond 3-4 months at a time. However, doctor’s prescription should be the final deciding factor about dosage of Liv 52 DS.

Can I take Liv 52 DS empty stomach?

52 DS Tablet with meals or not is dependent on the health problem. Ideally, it is recommended that you take Liv. 52 before meals, but follow your doctor if he/she recommends to take it after meals.

Is Liv 52 Harmful?

Side Effects of Liv 52 DS: Liv 52 is beneficial for the health of liver cells and liver enzymes. If the drug is over used or taken without any medical indication, it could lead to the following side effects: Increased appetite. Burning, itching and dryness of skin.

Can we take Liv 52 without consulting doctor?

Precautions for Liv 52 DS Consumption: Patients should consult with their doctor before using Liv 52 DS along with either of these medicines. Children below 10 years of age should be given Liv 52 DS only if it has been prescribed by a physician.

How long can one take Liv 52?

Can be taken for a period of 1-2 months.