What is Exteriorization of uterus?

After baby born by cesarean section and the placenta has been extracted, uterine incision is sutured either by temporary removal of the uterus from the abdominal cavity (exteriorization of the uterus) to facilitate uterine incision repair or it is repaired within the abdominal cavity (in situ repair).

Can your uterus open after C section?

The internal C-section incision on the uterus can also open or rupture.

What does Exteriorisation mean?

exteriorization (plural exteriorizations) The physical embodiment of an abstraction. (surgery) The act of removing something from a body.

What is the difference between hysterectomy and Hysterotomy?

Unlike hysterectomy wherein the surgeon can make the incision either in the abdomen or the vagina to access the uterus, hysterotomy is performed exclusively via the abdomen. The incision is generally smaller when compared to the one used in hysterectomy. Both procedures can be performed under general anaesthesia.

What does Exteriorize mean in medical terms?

ex·te·ri·or·ize (eks-tēr’ē-ōr-īz), 1. To direct a patient’s interests, thoughts, or feelings into a channel leading outside the self, to some definite aim or object. 2. To expose an organ temporarily for observation, or permanently for purposes of experiment.

What does externalize mean in medical terms?

(ĕks-tĕr′nă-līz) 1. In surgery, to provide exposure to the outside. 2. In psychiatry, to direct one’s inner conflicts to the outside rather than keeping them hidden inside.

Can you get pregnant again after uterine rupture?

While some women undergo a hysterectomy after uterine rupture, many women have repairs and are able to get pregnant again. There is limited evidence guiding management and estimating the risk of recurrent rupture in women who get pregnant again.

Can you have a baby after a uterine rupture?

Pregnancies after uterine rupture should be delivered by repeat cesarean at 36–37 weeks of gestation without verification of fetal lung maturity by amniocentesis.