What are the information system used in Facebook?

Services used in Facebook’s infrastructure include Apache Hadoop, Apache Cassandra, Apache Hive, FlashCache, Scribe, Tornado, Cfengine and Varnish. The company’s engineers continue building new infrastructure software components, contributing many of them as open source projects.

What type of technology is Facebook?

Facebook uses Linux, but has optimized it for its own purposes (especially in terms of network throughput). Facebook uses MySQL, but primarily as a key-value persistent storage, moving joins and logic onto the web servers since optimizations are easier to perform there (on the “other side” of the Memcached layer).

How does Facebook technology work?

The top tier of the Facebook network is made up of the Web servers that create the Web pages that users see, most with eight cores running 64-bit Linux and Apache. Many of the social network’s pages and features are created using PHP, a computer scripting language specialized for simple, automated functions.

How does Facebook use data analytics?

Facebook Analytics competes with Google Analytics by linking actions to users rather than cookies, which allows businesses to trace a specific user across all of their browsers and devices when signed on to Facebook. Google Analytics, however, uses cookies that only let businesses track users in a single browser.

How does Facebook manage its data?

Facebook, which has a clear do-it-yourself IT approach, also designs its own servers and networking. It designs and builds its own data centers. Its staff writes most of its own applications and creates virtually all of its own middleware.

Which technologies are used in Facebook website?

Programming languages used in most popular websites

Websites Popularity (unique visitors per month) Back-end (Server-side)
Facebook 1,120,000,000 Hack, PHP (HHVM), Python, C++, Java, Erlang, D, XHP, Haskell
YouTube 1,100,000,000 C, C++, Python, Java, Go
Yahoo 750,000,000 PHP
Etsy 516,000,000 PHP

Is Facebook a technology?

Facebook is an American social network and technology company founded in 2004 by Harvard classmates Mark Zuckerberg, Chris Hughes, Eduardo Saverin, Dustin Moskovitz, and Andrew McCollum.

How is AI used in Facebook?

Facebook’s AI software analyzes photos, stories, and videos users have previously interacted with, then gathers up some initial recommendations. That list is whittled down further by filtering out misinformation, policy violations, and spam.

How Facebook manage their database?

At Facebook we use MySQL to manage many petabytes of data, along with the InnoDB storage engine that serves social activities such as likes, comments, and shares.

How does Facebook process data?

Details that people often readily volunteer — age, employer, relationship status, likes and location — are just the start. Facebook tracks both its users and nonusers on other sites and apps. It collects biometric facial data without users’ explicit “opt-in” consent. And the sifting of users can get quite personal.

How many databases does Facebook have?

Facebook uses more than 1000 MySql servers to keep the data (it’s so called universal (multi tenant) database). The database is heavily sharded and replicated. Related data is kept together in a shard to reduce the number of shards they need to hit to find the data. They also have a lot of binlog consumers.

Where is Facebook data stored?

Hive is Facebook’s data warehouse, with 300 petabytes of data in 800,000 tables. Facebook generates 4 new petabyes of data and runs 600,000 queries and 1 million map-reduce jobs per day. Presto, HiveQL, Hadoop, and Giraph are the common query engines over Hive.