Is Lisbon close to Porto?

It takes three hours to travel between Lisbon and Porto via car or train. You could technically do Porto as a day trip from Lisbon.

How far apart are Porto and Lisbon?

about 195 miles
If you’re planning a trip to Portugal, a stop in Porto is a must. Luckily, it’s only 313 kilometers (about 195 miles) from Lisbon and easy to reach from the capital city. Downtown Porto is a UNESCO World Heritage Site with a historic center and colorful houses.

Which city is most beautiful in Portugal?

Sintra. One of the cities in Portugal that must be on this list is definitely Sintra.

  • Guimarães. Considered the birthplace of Portugal, Guimarães is a wonderful city and its history dates back to the 11th century.
  • Coimbra.
  • Lamego.
  • Évora.
  • Braga.
  • Porto.
  • Lisboa.
  • Can you do Porto as a day trip from Lisbon?

    A day trip to Porto from Lisbon is absolutely doable and worth your time. It provides a nice contrast with Lisbon. Porto is smaller and 100% walkable. Unlike Lisbon, Porto was not destroyed by the 1755 earthquake and therefore maintains many of its historic buildings and original layout.

    Is there a high speed train from Lisbon to Porto?

    The Portuguese Alfa Pendular train connects all of the major cities in Portugal. Travel in comfort from Lisbon to Porto (in under 3 hours), Braga or Coimbra in the north or to Faro in the far south. With speeds up to 220 km/h, Alfa Pendular trains are the fastest way to get around in Portugal.

    Is Porto worth seeing?

    Porto is one of the most popular cities to visit in Europe right now – and for very good reason. Its stunning Old Town on the picturesque Douro River, complete with six bridges, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. You’ll find amazing Beaux Arts and Baroque churches, palaces and other buildings scattered around the city.