During which phase of the Systems Approach to training SAT process is a unit training plan drafted?

The METL is the starting point for the design phase of SAT. The purpose of the design phase is to design or layout a training plan for a unit. Different plans may be designed for similar units. The design of each unit’s training plan is based primarily on the unit’s level of proficiency in its METL tasks.

What is an ELO USMC?

Any Learning Objective has three parts: an Action statement, a Condition statement, and a Standard statement. You MUST have all three parts for it to be a Learning Objective. Terminal Learning Objectives (TLOs) and Enabling Learning Objectives (ELOs) follow the same guidelines when being written.

What is systematic approach to training of SAT?

Systematic Approach to Training (SAT) is the systematic development of a training program consisting of 1) Management & Administration and 2) Instructional Design, to ensure the quality of instruction and the quality of the program.​​​​

What is the key task of the analyze phase within SAT?

During the Analyze Phase of SAT, a particular job or Occupational Field/Military Occupational Specialty (OccFld/MOS) is analyzed by CG, TECOM (C46) to determine what job holders perform on the job, the order in which they perform it, and the standard of performance necessary to adequately perform the job.

What is TLO and ELO?

Learning Objectives (ELOs) or Learning Objectives The Terminal Learning Objective (TLO) or Goal is a statement of the instructor’s expectations of participant performance at the end of a specific lesson or unit.

What is a terminal goal?

‘Terminal’ goals, values, or preferences are those where the preference is derived locally rather than by looking at further or distant consequences.

What are the four basic steps in the systematic approach in training?

Stage 1: Identify and define training needs, Stage 2: Design learning and development programme, Stage 3: Implementing learning events and programmes, Stage 4: Systematically evaluate training.

What are the steps in systematic training plan?

Systematic Approach to Training

  1. Understanding Organization’s Aims and Objectives.
  2. Assessing/Analysing Training Needs.
  3. Determining the Aims and Objectives the Learning & Development Programme.
  4. Training Strategy Design.
  5. Implementation of the Training Strategy.
  6. Evaluating the quality and effectiveness of the Training.

What are the most important reasons to write an AAR USMC?

The AAR documents the training accomplished, the Marines trained, and the tactical and training lessons learned during the event. Training that supports individual readiness such as suicide prevention, standards of conduct, voluntary education, and equal opportunity training.