Is Leipzig University good?

Leipzig University is ranked 201 in Academic Ranking of World Universities by Shanghai Jiao Tong University and has an overall score of 4.3 stars, according to student reviews on Studyportals, the best place to find out how students rate their study and living experience at universities from all over the world.

Is Leipzig tuition free?

Students in Leipzig aren’t required to pay any tuition fees regardless of their origin, however every student is bound to pay an overall amount of 193.5 euros as a semester contribution attributed to student services and a free pass to public transportation.

Is Leipzig University taught in English?

All programs are open to exchange students. There are some programs at the University of Leipzig where single courses are offered in English but this depends on the semester course list which will be decided only several weeks prior to the semester start.

How do I get into Leipzig University?

Set up an application in the application portal by clicking on search study offers and select the semester, Leipzig University, the desired degree and the intended course of studies. Run the search to be shown degree courses that match your criteria. Select one of these. Set up an application for that degree course.

What is Leipzig University famous for?

Notable also of the university are its three museums (Museum of Ancient Egypt, Museum of Musical Instruments and Museum of Classical Antiquities), each boasting extensive collections, and one of Europe’s oldest botanical gardens.

Is Leipzig an expensive city?

Living in Leipzig is cheaper than in many other cities in Germany, such as Munich and Berlin. The average rental price for a 30m² apartment is currently 8.56 EUR / m². For a 60m² apartment, you currently pay an average of 7.49 EUR / m² rent.

Is Leipzig a good place to live?

The city is considered to be a very safe place for foreigners living in Leipzig, just as most of Germany is in the 21st century. Crime levels are generally low in Leipzig, but there is some drug-related activity in the city, much of which is centered around the very active clubbing scene in Leipzig.

Is Leipzig University public?

The University of Telecommunications Leipzig (HfTL) The university is privately owned and run by the Deutsche Telekom company and has more than 1,000 students.

How many universities are in Leipzig?

Leipzig – About the city There are 10 universities offering 133 study programs in Leipzig.

Is Leipzig good for students?

Leipzig is a great place to live and study. The university is well organised and there are programmes specially tailored to foreign students. Student life is very active and there’s always something to do.

How many universities are in Leipzig Germany?

10 universities
Germany, Leipzig – Higher education system There are 10 universities located in Leipzig, which offer 133 study programs. In addition 64 Bachelor programs at 9 universities, 57 Master programs at 8 universities, and 12 PhD programs at 3 universities.