How do you teach Macbeth creatively?

5 ways to teach Macbeth better

  1. 1 | Explore performance. Performing the text allows students to find their own voice within Shakespeare’s language.
  2. 2 | Feel the rhythm.
  3. 3 | Physicalise characters.
  4. 4 | Track themes.
  5. 5 | Remember context.

How can I help students understand Macbeth?

By writing about the play, students have an opportunity to see how the text remains relevant. This also allows me to check for understanding, preview themes, and keep students writing regularly even in a reading-heavy unit. Task cards are another great way to check for understanding throughout the play.

What are themes in Macbeth?


  • The Corrupting Power of Unchecked Ambition.
  • The Relationship Between Cruelty and Masculinity.
  • The Difference Between Kingship and Tyranny.
  • Ambition.
  • Guilt.
  • Children.

Is witchcraft a theme in Macbeth?

Witchcraft has four functions in the play: it exposes the evil hiding within Macbeth; it directs his evil to particular deeds; it highlights the forces of evil at work in the world; and it creates a powerful atmosphere in the play.

What is the tragic flaw of Macbeth?

Macbeth’s fatal flaw in the play is his unchecked ambition, an unabated desire for power and position, namely to be king, which is more important to him than anything else in life.

Can a 14 year old read Macbeth?

It is suitable only for 14+ for the brutal violence and sexuality.

What is the essential question of Macbeth?

Essential Questions Is morality necessary for human existence? Power/Greed: To what extent does power/greed affect individuals and/or relationships? Fate: To what degree is our fate in our own hands?

What can Macbeth be compared to?

Macbeth can be compared to Stalin by his ambition, motivation, and his desire to achieve what he wants. Macbeth is a dark character who can most likely be compared to hitler.