What is quadrupole moment of nucleus?

The quadrupole moment of a nucleus is usually defined1 as “the quantity (3z2 — r2)Av, where the average is taken over the nuclear charges for the state which has the maximum component of spin I in the z direction”.

What does quadrupole moment mean?

The nuclear electric quadrupole moment gives a measure of the deviation of the nucleus, or more precisely of its charge distribution, from a spherical shape and hence is an important source of information about nuclear structure.

How do you calculate electric quadrupole moment?

The system possesses what is known as a quadrupole moment. While a single charge is a scalar quantity, and a dipole moment is a vector quantity, the quadrupole moment is a second order symmetric tensor. px=∑Qixipy=∑Qiyipz=∑Qizi.

What is the moment of nucleus?

The nuclear magnetic moment is the magnetic moment of an atomic nucleus and arises from the spin of the protons and neutrons. It is mainly a magnetic dipole moment; the quadrupole moment does cause some small shifts in the hyperfine structure as well.

What is the unit of electric quadrupole moment?

atomic unit of electric quadrupole moment
Numerical value 4.486 551 5246 x 10-40 C m2
Standard uncertainty 0.000 000 0014 x 10-40 C m2
Relative standard uncertainty 3.0 x 10-10
Concise form 4.486 551 5246(14) x 10-40 C m2

What are the units of quadrupole moment?

What is quadrupole moment discuss the theory of nuclear quadrupole resonance?

The nuclear quadrupole moment is associated with non-spherical nuclear charge distributions. As such it is a measure of the degree to which the nuclear charge distribution deviates from that of a sphere; that is, the prolate or oblate shape of the nucleus.

What is electric quadrupole?

[i¦lek·trik ′kwä·drə‚pōl] (electricity) A charge distribution that produces an electric field equivalent to that produced by two electric dipoles whose dipole moments have the same magnitude but point in opposite directions and which are separated from each other by a small distance.

What is a quadrupole in physics?

A quadrupole or quadrapole is one of a sequence of configurations of things like electric charge or current, or gravitational mass that can exist in ideal form, but it is usually just part of a multipole expansion of a more complex structure reflecting various orders of complexity.

What is the basic principle of nuclear quadrupole resonance?

NQR is a method based on the resonance absorption of electromagnetic energy in a substance owing to quantum transitions between nuclear energy levels, created by a nuclear quadrupole moment interaction with the gradient of the intracrystal electric field (Section 8.2.