What is the difference between no-refresh interval and refresh interval in DNS?

No-Refresh interval determines how long a DNS records timestamp cannot be updated if there are no changes to the DNS record. Refresh interval is the period of time after No-refresh interval in which a DNS record can be updated with any changes, including only timestamp changes.

What is no-refresh interval?

The No-refresh interval setting is the amount of time that must elapse before a DNS client or DHCP server can refresh a timestamp for a record. When a DNS client creates a record, it is assigned a timestamp. The DNS client attempts to refresh this record every 24 hours.

How do I find stale DNS records?

Right-click the domain folder, choose Properties, and click Aging on the General tab. Again, select the Scavenge stale resource records check box and click OK, then click OK again.

How often should you Sccavenge DNS records?

DNS Scavenging is the process of removing outdated DNS records. It looks at the timestamps of the DNS record in order to determine if the DNS record should be removed. This will occur after the No-refresh interval and Refresh interval, which is 14 days by default as mentioned above.

How do I remove a stale DNS record?

Step 2: Set Scavenging on the DNS Zone

  1. Open the DNS Console.
  2. Right Click on the zone you want to enable scavenging on and click properties.
  3. Click the Aging button.
  4. Now click the box “Scavenge stale resource records”

What is DNS scavenging for?

The DNS scavenging feature allows you to remove unused DNS resource records from zone data to prevent the accumulation of unneeded records.

What is DNS scavenging and non refresh interval?

If scavenging occurs every Wednesday on a DNS server, Non-Refresh and Refresh intervals are equal to seven (7) days for each and the last refresh of the DNS record occurred on a Thursday then the resource record will be removed in the scavenging cycle of the week number four (4). How to enable DNS aging and scavenging?

What does the no refresh interval mean?

The no refresh interval means between its last refresh and its next it has to wait at least 360 days to update regardless of what the client is doing.

When is a DNS dynamic update considered a refresh?

A DNS dynamic update to change the registered IP for a resource record is not considered as a refresh and is exempt from the Non-Refresh Interval. If the Non-Refresh Interval and the Refresh Interval are seven (7) days then a resource record is considered as stale if not refreshed after fourteen (14) days.

How can i Improve my DNS lookup time?

But it can improve your DNS lookup times by choosing a TTL that coincides with how often changes are made on your site. The easiest way to reduce DNS lookups on your site is to simply get rid of requests that query different hostnames. Remember, with DNS lookups it is not about the number of requests, but about the number of different domains.