What are the methods used by PLA?

They include direct or participant observation, semi-structured interviews, focus group discussions, photography, video, case studies, and the use of secondary data sources. However, there is also an extensive set of tools and techniques designed specifically for PLA.

What is the difference between PRA and PLA?

The term Participatory Learning and Action (PLA) is broader than PRA and includes other similar or related approaches and methods. Because of the continuities and overlaps, this methodological cluster is often referred to as PRA/PLA. In the evolution of PRA/PLA, there was much intermingling and innovation.

What is PLA in development?

Preliminary Layout Approval (PLA) for proposed subdivisions. The Developer and Area Planner work together to ensure that there are no outstanding items that need to be resolved relating to the proposed subdivision application.

What are participatory methods?

Participatory methods (PMs) include a range of activities with a common thread: enabling ordinary people to play an active and influential part in decisions which affect their lives. This means that people are not just listened to, but also heard; and that their voices shape outcomes.

What is PRA techniques?

Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) is a methodology used for interactive processes of social development: It is a way of learning from people, with the people and by the people. It is, therefore, a methodology for analyses, planning, monitoring and evaluation.

What is the difference between participatory rural appraisal and rapid rural appraisal?

The major difference is that PRA emphasizes processes that empower local people, whereas RRA is mainly seen as a means for outsiders to gather information.

What is participatory method of research?

Participatory Action Research is a qualitative research methodology that involves researchers and participants collaborating to understand social issues and take actions to bring about social change. It is an umbrella term for all research approaches that engage stakeholders in each step of the research process.

What is PRA in qualitative research?

Participatory Rural Appraisal techniques (PRAs) are a range of survey methods to be used principally in the extraction of qualitative data. PRA entails groups of local people analysing their own conditions and choosing their own means of improving them.

What is the difference between PRA PLA and RRA?

The idea is that PRA is more focused on empowering communities, RRA is more focused on getting information. The distinction is not hard and fast. RRA is more in line with gathering information for a development intervention and PRA is more about general community prioritizing.