How do you write the names of compounds?

For binary ionic compounds (ionic compounds that contain only two types of elements), the compounds are named by writing the name of the cation first followed by the name of the anion. For example, KCl, an ionic compound that contains K+ and Cl- ions, is named potassium chloride.

What rules are to be considered in naming covalent compounds?

Rules for naming simple covalent compounds:

  • Name the non-metal furthest to the left on the periodic table by its elemental name.
  • Name the other non-metal by its elemental name and an -ide ending.
  • Use the prefixes mono-, di-, tri-…. to indicate the number of that element in the molecule.

How do you name compounds step by step?

Compound Naming Steps

  1. Step 1: Locate the longest carbon chain in our compound.
  2. Step 2: Name that longest carbon chain.
  3. Step 3: Figure out what the ending (suffix) should be.
  4. Step 4: Number your carbon atoms.
  5. Step 5: Name the side groups.
  6. Step 6: Put the side groups in alphabetical order.

What are the rules in naming ionic and covalent compounds?

Name an ionic compound by the cation followed by the anion.

  • First of all, to name a covalent compound, it helps to know what a covalent compound is.
  • Number Prefix.
  • Ionic compounds are composed of ions.
  • An ionic compound is named by first giving the name of the cation followed by the name of the anion.

What order do you write compounds?

This is the system of writing chemical formulas. In this system the carbon atoms are first, then hydrogen atoms and then other in alphabetical order. When the formula contains no carbon or hydrogen atoms, then all the elements are sorted alphabetically.

What determines the order of elements in a compound?

Elements in a chemical formula and their counts are arranged in a standardized order called Hill System Order.

How can I memorize nomenclature?

Here are five techniques that will make remembering names a lot easier:

  1. Recognize That Names Are Difficult to Remember.
  2. Use the Person’s Name in Conversation.
  3. Practice Retrieving the Person’s Name.
  4. Use Mnemonic Devices.
  5. If You Forget Someone’s Name, Admit It.