What is the neurodevelopmental treatment approach?

Neurodevelopmental treatment is a hands‐on, client‐centred approach that seeks to improve gross motor function in children and adults with neurological problems (such as cerebral palsy), and thereby improve their independence in a variety of contexts.

How does weight bearing reduce spasticity?

Any weight bearing of the upper extremity either at the wall, table, or floor helps sends signals to the brain that reminds it the arm is still there. Strengthening can improve spasticity in two ways. By strengthening the antagonist (opposing) muscle, it can help inhibit the reaction of the spastic muscle.

What is NDT in physical therapy?

NDT, or Neurodevelopmental treatment, is a specialized treatment approach used by physical and occupational therapists, as well as speech pathologists for patients with neurological damage. NDT helps enhance a patient’s motor function ability and makes everyday life more efficient and comfortable.

What is neurodevelopmental treatment frame of reference?

The Neuro-Developmental Treatment (NDT) frame of reference is used to analyze and treat posture and movement impairments based on kinesiology and biomechanics.

How do physical therapists reduce spasticity?

Spasticity can be reduced by:

  1. Performing stretching exercises daily. Prolonged stretching can make muscles longer, helping to decrease spasticity and prevent contracture.
  2. Splinting, casting, and bracing. These methods are used to maintain range of motion and flexibility.

What is inhibition technique?

The integrated neuromuscular inhibition technique (INIT) is a manual deactivation trigger points technique and includes the application of ischemic pressure and stretch, the muscle energy technique and the Strain-counterstrain technique.

What is difference between NDT and Bobath?

In the United States the Bobath concept is usually referred to as ‘neuro-developmental treatment’ (NDT). It is based on the brain’s ability to reorganise (neuroplasticity) It is a multidisciplinary approach, involving physiotherapists, occupational therapists and speech and language therapists.