Where are the golden lotus daily quests?

the Golden Pagoda
Every day, you will start your Golden Lotus quests at the Golden Pagoda, in the central area of the Vale of Eternal Blossom. The daily quests are split in 3 parts, each part taking you to a different location in the vale to counter the Mogu invasion.

Where can I farm Golden Lotus?

Simply put, this means that any areas with a dense herb spawn will yield the most golden lotus. So, if you really want a lot of these, then I suggest gathering at The Jade Forest or Valley of the Four Winds. These places have a much higher herb density than the other maps.

How do you grind Shado Pan rep?

After reaching level 90, you will be able to increase your reputation with the Shado-Pan by doing daily quests at the Shado-Pan Garrison in the Townlong Steppes. There, you will have to attack nearby Yaungol, Mantid, and Mogu outposts.

Where is the Golden Lotus in Conan exiles?

Found in the Volcano biome.

Where do I start the Golden Lotus rep?

Gaining Reputation To begin questing with Golden Lotus, you’ll need to prove yourself to the Pandaren at the Temple of the White Tiger in Kun-Lai Summit. You’ll be able to fly into Vale of Eternal Blossoms otherwise, but many areas will be phased.

How do I start the Golden Lotus quests?

Every day, you will start your Golden Lotus quests at the Golden Pagoda, in the central area of the Vale of Eternal Blossom. The daily quests are split in 3 parts, each part taking you to a different location in the vale to counter the Mogu invasion.

What happens at the end of the daily quests?

The final daily quest depends on the Stage 3 quests of the day. In some cases, the final quest is actually a follow-up of one of the Stage 3 daily quests. Each final quest rewards 200 reputation with the Golden Lotus, Treasures of the Vale, and 5x .

What is the 5th quest in Guo-Lai?

(Kun) After completing the 3 quests given to you by Zhi the Harmonious upon reaching revered reputation with the Golden Lotus ( Battle Axe of the Thunder King, Battle Helm of the Thunder King, and Battle Spear of the Thunder King ), you will be offered either The Crumbling Hall or The Thunder Below, as a 5th quest in Guo-Lai.

How much reputation do you get from the final quests?

Each final quest rewards 200 reputation with the Golden Lotus, Treasures of the Vale, and 5x . We believe that 3 of the elite enemies you have to kill during these final quests are worthy of a mention.