What is the 30 30 lightning rule?

When You See Lightning, Count The Time Until You Hear Thunder. If That Is 30 Seconds Or Less, The Thunderstorm Is Close Enough To Be Dangerous – Seek Shelter (if you can’t see the lightning, just hearing the thunder is a good back-up rule). Wait 30 Minutes Or More After The Lightning Flash Before Leaving Shelter.

How do you calculate the distance of a lightning strike to the thunder?

If you count the number of seconds between the flash of lightning and the sound of thunder, and then divide by 5, you’ll get the distance in miles to the lightning: 5 seconds = 1 mile, 15 seconds = 3 miles, 0 seconds = very close. Keep in mind that you should be in a safe place while counting.

How far is lightning 10 seconds away?

2 miles away
The Correct Method to Calculate Lightning Distance

If thunder is heard The lightning is . . .
10 seconds after a flash 2 miles away
15 seconds after a flash 3 miles away
20 seconds after a flash 4 miles away
25 seconds after a flash 5 miles away

How far away is 2 seconds of thunder?

After you see a flash of lightning, count the number of seconds until you hear the thunder. (Use the stop watch or count “One-Mississippi, Two-Mississippi, Three-Mississippi,” etc.) For every 5 seconds the storm is one mile away. Divide the number of seconds you count by 5 to get the number of miles.

What is a safe distance from lightning?

six mile
While lightning has been recorded to strike at a distance of 10 miles, the rule of thumb used for safety is a six mile distance. Thus, seeking shelter is recommended if the lightning is six miles away or less. There are a number of lightning detectors on the market using various methods to determine lightning distance.

How do you calculate distance from thunder to KM?

To calculate the lightning distance in kilometers:

  1. Note the time in seconds between the lightning flash and the thunderclap.
  2. Divide the number of seconds by 3.
  3. That’s it! What you’ve found is the lightning distance in km.

What does it mean when thunder is really loud?

A big noise Why is thunder so loud? It’s because the amount of electrical energy that flows from the cloud to the ground is so enormous: it’s like a very big waterfall of electricity. The louder the sound that you hear, the closer you are to the lightning. Light travels through air much faster than sound.

Why do dogs hide in the bathroom during thunderstorms?

Many clients tell me their dogs hide behind the toilet or in the bath tub during storms. Dr. Dodman, a renowned behaviorist theorizes that the metal pipes in the bathroom act as an electrical grounding device. By grounding himself to the earth, some static electrical charge is released and the dog feels calmer.

Why do dogs shake when they hear thunder?

“Specialists now understand that static electricity is felt by dogs through their fur, generating an unpleasant tingling sensation,” he says. “For this reason, pets feel agitated and seek a spot they hope might isolate them from the static charges.” Change in barometric pressure.

Where is the never ending lightning storm?

Almost 300 nights a year, a lightning storm rages in a small part of Venezuela. Known as Relámpago del Catatumbo, the storm is located where the Catatumbo River flows into Lake Maracaibo.