Do African cultures have arranged marriages?

Thus, for Africans, marriage is a matter between families as much as between the bride and groom, and many families arrange the marriages of their members.

What cultures allow arranged marriages?

Arranged marriage is a prevalent practice in numerous countries across the world – from India, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Turkey to many Asian and African diasporic communities living in Europe or in the US. The Politics of Arranged Marriage is a two-part IGP project which focuses on various aspects of the practice.

How does African culture conduct their traditional marriage?

Marriage in African traditions is a union between two families, not just two individuals. That’s why an engagement ceremony, which is often also a dowry (bride price) payment ceremony, is very important. Those ceremonies bring together the whole family, and allow each side to get to know each other.

What type of marriage do African have?

According to William Abraham (1987: 22): Marriage in African tradition is the joining of two families through the union of one man and one woman and their children, always to the exclusion of all other men as regards the woman, and in monogamous societies, to the exclusion of all other women as regards the man.

Does Nigeria arranged marriages?

In most cultural groups in Nigeria, traditional marriage is usually an arrangement between two families as opposed to an arrangement between two individuals.

How many cultures practice arranged marriages?

Similarly, Broude and Greene, after studying 142 cultures worldwide, have reported that 130 cultures have elements of arranged marriage. Extreme examples of forced arranged marriage have been observed in some societies, particularly in child marriages of girls below age 12.

What religions use arranged marriages?

On November 21, 2002 The Associated Press reported that “with increasing numbers of Hindus and Muslims living in the United States, members of these communities say arranged marriages are becoming more common, although no one tracks their numbers.

How many wives can an African man have?

In most West African countries, polygamy is also recognised and regulated by the civil law that allows a man to marry up to four women under certain conditions, including the financial capacity to support multiple wives and families. In practice, a polygamous union is in most cases limited to two women per couple.

What age can a girl marry in Nigeria?

18 years of age
The Nigerian Child Rights Act of 2003 set the minimum age of marriage at 18 years of age, but as of March 2013, only 23 of Nigeria’s 36 states have adopted the Act.