How long is AIT for 25M?

nine weeks
Job training for a multimedia illustrator requires 10 weeks of Basic Combat Training and nine weeks of Advanced Individual Training with on-the-job instruction. Part of this time is spent in the classroom, and part takes place in the field.

What Mos is an 25M?

MOS 25M Multimedia Illustrator
Army MOS 25M Multimedia Illustrator Graphic artwork is used in these publications, as well as in signs, charts, posters, television and motion picture productions. As an integral member of the Army’s multimedia team, the Multimedia Illustrator produces graphic artwork, drawings and other visual displays.

Is there Graphic Design in the military?

The duties of the graphic designer in the military are varied. They will likely be asked to use computers to generate their graphic designs. They may create charts and graphs for budget presentations and troop number displays. They may be asked to graphically represent supply levels and office organizations as well.

How long is AIT for 25r?

24 weeks
Training for a visual information equipment operator-maintainer requires 10 weeks of Basic Combat Training and 24 weeks of Advanced Individual Training with on-the-job instruction. Part of this time is spent in the classroom, and part takes place in the field.

What is a 25B?

This Army job is military occupational specialty (MOS) 25B – Information Technology (IT) Specialists. These soldiers deal with highly sensitive information and need to have technical skills and aptitude for programming and computer languages.

What is a 25 Romeo in the army?

A visual information equipment operator-maintainer is responsible for filming, script editing and recording military operations and news events that support Army operations.

Is 42 Alpha AIT hard?

A recent graduate described 42A AIT as really easy. The dorms are three people to a room with one double bunk and one single, three desks, three closets and a bath/shower. Class is Monday through Friday. A typical day is 4:50 AM wake up, clean area, accountability and PT (physical training) formation at 5:20.