What is FixedUpdate used for?

FixedUpdate is used for being in-step with the physics engine, so anything that needs to be applied to a rigidbody should happen in FixedUpdate.

Is a coroutine better than update?

Code that’s called inside of Update usually takes place all at once during the current frame. Coroutines, on the other hand, allow you to execute game logic over a number of frames. Put simply, this allows you to pause a function and tell it to wait for a condition or action to occur before continuing.

What does a coroutine do?

Coroutines are computer program components that generalize subroutines for non-preemptive multitasking, by allowing execution to be suspended and resumed. Coroutines are well-suited for implementing familiar program components such as cooperative tasks, exceptions, event loops, iterators, infinite lists and pipes.

How often does FixedUpdate run?

50 times per second
FixedUpdate executes 50 times per second. (The game code runs around 200 fps on a test machine.)

When should I use a coroutine?

Coroutines can be useful when a system performs two or more tasks that would be most naturally described as a series of long-running steps that involve a lot of waiting.

How do you wait for a coroutine to finish?

To wait for a coroutine to finish, you can call Job. join . join is a suspending function, meaning that the coroutine calling it will be suspended until it is told to resume. At the point of suspension, the executing thread is released to any other available coroutines (that are sharing that thread or thread pool).

What is the difference between coroutine and thread?

Coroutines are not bound to any particular thread. Whereas, for threads, the Operating system switches threads preemptively based on the scheduler. Coroutines start execution in one thread, suspend the execution and resume on other thread.

How fast does FixedUpdate run?

FixedUpdate executes 50 times per second. (The game code runs around 200 fps on a test machine.)