Where was Take Me Out to the holosuite filmed?

Loyola Marymount University
The outdoor scenes (in the holosuite) were shot at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, California (USA).

What episode of DS9 do they play baseball?

Take Me out to the Holosuite
A Vulcan captain challenges Sisko to a game of baseball.

Does DS9 have a holodeck?

The Enterprise D had a holodeck for training, entertainment, and plot contrivance, but on DS9, the holo-projecting room was referred to as a ‘holosuite’.

When did baseball end in Star Trek?

But the show’s canon said that baseball died out in 2042, as society simply moved too fast for the bucolic sport. “The first thing he had done was kill baseball,” Behr said, “which I never stopped giving him a hard time about because it was such a Michael thing to do, to kill the thing he loves the most.”

How many episodes of holodeck are there?

There are only 24 holodeck episodes in all of Trek. 24 out of 716 episodes is only 11%. So only 11% of Star Trek is devoted to the holodeck. Now, Voyager sure enjoyed going to the holodeck, with 15 episodes devoted to it, followed by TNG with 6, DS9 with 2 and Enterprise with 1.

Is Avery Brooks a baseball fan?

He told us the story of how he got the autograph–he engaged Avery in a conversation about baseball, then said, “Speaking of baseball…” In the course of the story, he said that he knew nothing about baseball, and Avery knew everything about baseball. Judging by that, I’d say yes, Avery is probably a baseball fan.

Can holodecks exist?

The tech used to construct the holodeck, though, isn’t simply highly advanced; it’s physically impossible. If you were to attempt to build your own, you would have to violate the laws of physics, which, to echo the feelings of many chiefs of engineering, is easier said than done.

Can you eat on the holodeck?

Holograms could be augmented with force beams to simulate solid, tangible objects or with replicator technology to create actual solid matter such as foodstuffs. All food eaten on the holodeck were replications. No other type of simulation could survive outside of the holodeck.

Is there a real holodeck?

What is the meaning of holodeck?

The Holodeck is a fictional device from the television franchise Star Trek which uses “holograms” (projected light and electromagnetic energy which create the illusion of solid objects) to create a realistic 3D simulation of a real or imaginary setting, in which participants can freely interact with the environment as …

Why did Captain Sisko shave his head?

11 The Hair Issue Paramount felt that fans would identify him as Hawk, so they had him grow his hair and shave his face for Trek (this was also done because they were worried about having two consecutively bald captains).

How old is Benjamin Sisko?

According to the script notes, Sisko was said to be “in his late thirties” at the time of Wolf 359.

Who created the holodeck?

Hungarian-British physicist Dennis Gabor received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1971 “for his invention and development of the holographic method”, work done in the late 1940s.

How many holodecks are there?

There are 16 holodecks on Galaxy-class starships, including the Enterprise, located on decks 9 through 11.

Did the original Star Trek have a holodeck?

The Holodeck first appeared in The Practical Joker, a 1974 episode of the Star Trek animated series. It was depicted as a recreation room containing a simulated, alternative version of reality. It featured heavily in The Next Generation series and in the 1996 film First Contact.

How does a holosuite work?

How big are the holodecks?

a 9 meter by 9 meter
That’s about a 9 meter by 9 meter space – a full sized holodeck by any account.

Is Avery Brooks eccentric?

So the fact that Avery Brooks has not been acting for two decades has often been murmured about in regards to him being eccentric or difficult to work with. That could very well be motivated by the same kind of discrimination that Dave Chappelle talks about.

Who is Avery Brooks married to?

Vicki Lenora BrooksAvery Brooks / Spouse (m. 1976)

Since 1976, Brooks has been married to Vicki Lenora Brooks, an assistant dean at Rutgers University. Together, they have three adult children – Ayana, Cabral, and Asante – and live in Princeton, New Jersey.

Why did DS9 get Cancelled?

That was one of the reasons it eventually ended. As the documentary What We Left Behind reveals, the show was perceived to suffer from “middle child” syndrome, enduring rather callous indifference from the fans and struggling against the studio establishment that didn’t want it pushing too many boundaries.