What is the main concern of Mahapatra in the poem Hunger?

Jayanta Mahapatra’s poem Hunger is a well-known poem written on a unique theme. The poem speaks clearly of the need for food and the appetite for flesh and sex, both animal desires. It reveals the plight of a fisherman who can’t make the two ends meet. We can feel the father’s pain and anguish vividly.

What does Mahapatra myth poem mean?

Myths operate at two levels – social and cultural – in Mahapatra’s poetry. At either level, myths undergo a metamorphosis to bring into focus the present degradation and debasement of human life and its consequent loss of enduring quality.

What is the theme of the poem Freedom by Jayanta Mahapatra?

Analysis of ‘Freedom’ by Jayanta Mahapatra. The poem ‘Freedom’ portrays the Indian belief system about death as freedom from the body. Freedom is the leitmotif in the poem.

How is the Kalinga war portrayed in the poem dhauli?

The time post war of Kalinga sees massive bloodletting at the hands of Ashoka and his subordinates. The ploughed and harrowed, almost arable fields (beside the River Daya, in Dhauli) hide the blood smeared, slaughtered bodies of Kalinga natives. Blood lines mark the regions where the bodies were slit.

What are the recurrent themes of Jayanta Mahapatra s poems?

Themes, Subject-matter in Jayanta Mahapatra’s Poetry

  • Odissan Landscape, History and Culture.
  • Sexuality and Prostitution.
  • Philosophical, Psychological and Realistic.

What is the theme of Jayant Mahapatra Indian summer?

The poem entitled Indian summer (A rain of Rites, 1976) illustrates the fact that Mahapatra’s vision is basically tragic, and his pessimism and sobre outlook maybe accounted for his keen sense of the suffering of Indian masses. His dominant concern is the vision of grief, lose, dejection and rejection.

How long can foreign poet provide the staple of your lines?

He says: “How long can foreign poets Provide the staple of your lines? Turn inward; scrape the bottom of your past.” attitude towards a girl child, their reaction to some natural sorrow, their paganism, their feudal mentality imprints on their minds.

How old is the girl in hunger by Jayanta Mahapatra?

I’ll be back soon, your bus leaves at nine”. Fifteen is the age when a girl is it her charm. Feel her means quench your sexual hunger by having sex with her. I ‘ll back mean that the poet is now free to do with his daughter whatever he desires.

What is the tone of the poet in his poem freedom?

The tone of the poem “Freedom” by Rabindranath Tagore is patriotic and hopeful, as well as indignant when the poet recalls how his country has suffered.

What is the theme of the poem a missing person?

A Missing Person as a poem foreshadows the use of the dark daughter theme in Relationship. She will not take the name of husband on the lips as it will be a sin to take his name. Just the tattoo saying her name and if that too is inscribed upon otherwise she will keep mum unless and until someone else tells her name.

How many stanzas are in the poem the Hunger?

The poem consists of 4 stanzas having 5 lines each.

Which is the long poem of Jayanta Mahapatra?

One of Mahapatra’s better remembered works is the long poem Relationship, for which he won the Sahitya Akademi award in 1981.

Which of the following is a theme in Mahapatra’s poetry?

The Themes of Sex, Sexuality, and Poverty Sex, sexuality, and social concerns come next in importance so far a Mahapatra’s themes are concerned. In this connection two of the most significant and interesting poems are Hunger and The Whorehouse in a Calcutta Street. Hunger depicts both sexuality and poverty.

What is the theme of the poem summer?

The themes in ‘To Summer’ are quite obvious. Blake is celebrating the season of summer, as well as themes of joy and success. The latter is related to the poem’s broader context as it alluded to England’s role in the world when the poem was written. Joy and summer are connected to the speaker’s mind.

What kind of poverty does the poet refer to in song 36 from Gitanjali?

In Song 36, Tagore describes the cry of every Hindu penitent. The song is a prayer to transcend the earthly soul through a wholehearted surrender to God. Tagore prays that God will strike at the root of “penury” in his heart. This “penury,” or spiritual poverty, originates from the elevation of Self.

Who is Sundari in the poem and so it eventually happened?

Answer: sundari is the name of a girl who have forty years and have three doughter.

How does the poet describe the Hunger of the sea?

In the 1st stanza the sea is compared by a metaphor ta a hungry dog. This shows that in the cold winter days the sea is very rough. By the repetition of ‘ bones ,bones , bones , bones ‘ the poet shows us that he is hungry.

How many hangers are described in the poem Hunger by Jayanta Mahapatra?

Introduction. Hunger poem by Jayanta Mahapatra is about the idea of hunger that at the beginning of the poem is that of sex and sexual desire but in the end, transforms into the hunger of stomach that leads the people to do anything. The poem consists of 4 stanzas having 5 lines each.

What do fire and ice represent in the poem?

According to the poet, fire represents human desires and ice represents the hatred among humans. Desires are fiery like fire and can cause destruction by burning. Ice is on the opposite end of the spectrum to fire and is cold.

Who is the poet of missing person?

Jayanta Mahapatra began writing poems rather late in comparison with his contemporaries. But this late beginning does not in anyway distort his achievement. His poems have appeared in most of the reputed journals of the world. He received various prestigious Indian and international Awards for his poetic works.