What is the principle of Tacheometry?

What is the principle of tacheometric surveying? The principle of tacheometric surveying is based on the property of an isosceles triangle i.e the ratio of the distance of the base from the apex and the length of the base is always constant.

What are various methods of Tacheometry?

Different systems of Tacheometric Measurement: The various systems of tacheometric survey may be classified as follows:  The stadia System (a) Fixed Hair method of Stadia method (b) Movable hair method, or Subtense method  The tangential system  Measurements by means of special instruments The principle common to …

Which of the following is purpose of Tacheometry?

The primary objective of this tacheometric surveying is to prepare contoured maps or plans requiring both the horizontal as well as vertical control. On surveys of higher accuracy, it provides a check on distances measured with the tape.

Which instrument is used for Tacheometry survey?

The instrument for tacheometry is the tacheometer. By means of it the horizontal distance is determined by optical or electronic (electro-optical) distance measurement, and the horizontal angle is determined numerically or graphically.

What are essential requirements of tacheometry?

Essential requirements of tacheometer:

  • Firstly a tacheometer is usually a transit theodolite having a stadia diaphragm.
  • Lastly the telescope of tacheometer may be.

What are the errors in tacheometry?

The errors may be instrumental errors, due to manipulation and sighting or due to natural causes. The instrumental errors may be due to imperfect permanent adjustments in the instrument and due to incorrect graduations on the stadia rod.

Which method of tacheometry is most common in use?

stadia Method Fixed stadia method
In stadia Method Fixed stadia method is commonly used. (i) Here in this system of tacheometry, the hairs are not at all required. (ii) This method can even be used when telescope is not provided with a diaphragm.

What are the essential requirements of tacheometry?

It should be possible to take direct readings up to an angle of 5 degrees on the vertical circle. A Sensitive spirit level should be fixed on the “underarm.” An instrument fulfilling the above requirements is used in fixed hair method of stadia surveying.

Which method of Tacheometry is most common in use?

Stadia Method
As in the field of tacheometric surveying ‘Stadia Method’ is the most widely used procedure so we will discuss the principle behind it. The stadia method follows the principle that in similar isosceles triangles the ratio of the perpendicular to the base is constant.

What are the sources of error in Tacheometry?

ERRORS IN TACHEOMETRICSURVEYINGErrors in Stadia Surveying: Errors in Stadia Surveying:•The sources of errors in stadia measurementsare as follows:•1. Instrumental Errors. 2.

What is staff intercept in Tacheometry?

a) The intercept of the staff is maximum when the staff is normal to the line of sight. b) In the tangential system, the staff is kept normal to the line of sight.

What is axial hair reading in Tacheometry?

When the line of sight is horizontal and the staff is held vertical, In this case the horizontal distance from the axis of the instrument to the staff station is: R.L. of the station = R.L of instrument axis — Staff reading on the central hair i.e. axial hair reading.

What are the essential requirements of Tacheometry?

What is the difference between stadia and tangential method of Tacheometry?

In stadia system there is more speed and readings are easily be taken. In tangential system there is less speed and reading are not easily be taken. Stadia method with the staff being held vertically is in common use in tachometry. Tangential method or system is not in common use.

What is staff intercept in tacheometry?

What is axial hair reading in tacheometry?

What is Traverse method?

Traverse is a method in the field of surveying to establish control networks. It is also used in geodesy. Traverse networks involve placing survey stations along a line or path of travel, and then using the previously surveyed points as a base for observing the next point.

What is the principle of tangential tacheometry?

Tangential Method of Tacheometry: In tangential Tacheometery, horizontal and vertical distance from the instrument to the staff position, are computed from the observed vertical angle of two targets fixed at a known distance S on the staff.

What are the three types of traverse?

Types of Traverse

  • Open Traverse. A traverse is said to be open traverse when the traverse starts at one point and terminates at another point as shown in the figure. Open traverse is also called as unclosed traverse.
  • Closed Traverse. Ad.

What are the types of traverse?

There are two types of traverse surveying. They are: Closed traverse: When the lines form a circuit which ends at the starting point, it is known as a closed traverse. Open traverse: When the lines form a circuit ends elsewhere except starting point, it is said to be an open traverse.