How do I use macros in SolidWorks?

To run a macro:

  1. Click Run Macro (Macro toolbar) or Tools > Macro > Run.
  2. In the dialog box, locate a macro file (*. swp, *. swb) and click Open. If the macro contains more than one function or subroutine, the last subroutine with no arguments in the module most recently created in the VBA project runs.

How do you customize a BOM in SolidWorks?

Bill of Materials – Edit Text

  1. Double-click the BOM, or right-click the BOM and select Edit. While the bill of materials is active, it is displayed with row and column headers.
  2. Edit the worksheet as needed, using Excel functions. You can perform these kinds of edits:
  3. Click outside the worksheet to return to the drawing.

How do I show BOM in SolidWorks?

Displaying the BOM Assembly Structure

  1. Open a BOM.
  2. Click the side expansion arrows at the left side of the BOM to display the assembly structure. The expanded BOM displays the assembly structure and indicates components that have balloons.

How do you add materials to a BOM in SolidWorks?

To insert a bill of materials:

  1. With a drawing view selected, click Insert > Tables > Excel Based Bill of Materials.
  2. In the dialog box, select an Excel template for the BOM and click Open.
  3. In the Bill of Materials Properties dialog box, select properties from the Configuration, Contents, and Control tabs.
  4. Click OK.


Microsoft VBA is a toolset based on Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) and is embedded in the SOLIDWORKS software. Microsoft VBA lets you record, run, and edit Microsoft VBA macros in the SOLIDWORKS software.

What language are SOLIDWORKS macros?

SOLIDWORKS contains an editor to create and edit macros. Can be created in VBA (Visual Basic for Applications), VB (Visual Basic, formerly and C#. You can quickly create a new macro. By now, I can build a simple macro in two minutes.

How do I create a Bill of Materials drawing in SolidWorks?

To insert a BOM into a SolidWorks drawing;

  1. Click on the ‘Bill of Materials’ from the table toolbar, or Insert > Tables > Bill of Materials.
  2. Select the drawing view to specify the model.
  3. Using ‘Property Manager’, set the properties of the BOM, then click OK.

How do you add weights in SolidWorks BOM?

Adding Mass Properties

  1. Enter a Property Name for the mass property.
  2. Select Text from the Type list.
  3. Under Value / Text Expression, select the appropriate mass property from the list. Mass properties use the following, system-generated format:
  4. Press Tab or Enter. The value of the property appears under Evaluated Value.

How do I show a Bill of Materials in SolidWorks?

To show the bill of materials again, right-click the bill of materials in the FeatureManager design tree and select Show.

How do I save a SolidWorks BOM file to Excel?

Including Thumbnails in BOMs Exported to Microsoft Excel

  1. Right-click a BOM and click Save As.
  2. In the dialog box: For Save as type, select one of the following: Excel 2007 (*. xlsx) Excel (*. xls) Select Thumbnails. Browse to a folder, enter a file name, and click Save.

How do I create a Bill of Materials in SolidWorks?

To insert a Bill of Materials into a drawing:

  1. Click Bill of Materials (Table toolbar), or Insert > Tables > Bill of Materials.
  2. Select a drawing view to specify the model.
  3. Set the properties in the Bill of Materials PropertyManager, then click OK .

How do you update a Bill of Materials in SolidWorks?

You can update a named BOM to a selected version of the source file or item.

  1. In the View section of the Bill of Materials tab, expand BOM , and select a named BOM.
  2. Click Refresh ( or ).
  3. In the Update Source Version dialog box, expand the File Version list and select the version to use.
  4. Click OK.

How do I install VBA in SOLIDWORKS?

Microsoft Pre-Requisite for SOLIDWORKS, Visual Basic for Applications (VBA)

  1. Open the Command Manager.
  2. Copy & Paste Text into Open Command Prompt.
  3. Install Older Versions of SOLIDWORKS.
  4. Run a Repair of 2021 to Re-Upgrade VBA Components.

What language is SOLIDWORKS macros?

Visual Basic for Applications
SOLIDWORKS has two flavors for automation: macros and add-ins. Macros are the most accessible, so we’ll start with those. We’ll be using VBA or Visual Basic for Applications. VBA is an old Microsft programming language for creating macros for applications like Excel.


Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) is the engine that records, runs, or edits macros in SOLIDWORKS. Recorded macros are saved as . swp VBA project files. You can read and edit .

How do you create a BOM in Excel SolidWorks?

How do you make a Bill of Materials?

To create an accurate, detailed and effective BOM, you will need to include the following elements:

  1. BOM level: Assign each part or assembly a number to detail where it fits in the hierarchy of the BOM.
  2. Part number:
  3. Part name:
  4. Description:
  5. Phase:
  6. Procurement type:
  7. Quantity:
  8. Unit of measure:

How do you assign a weight in SolidWorks?

Assign values for mass, center of mass, and moments of inertia to override the calculated values. To open this dialog box: Click Tools > Evaluate > Mass Properties and then, in the Mass Properties dialog box, click Override Mass Properties.

How do you link Bill of Materials in SolidWorks?

First, right-click on the view you want to link to a BOM. On the pop-up menu, choose Properties. In the Drawing View Properties Dialogue box, check ‘Link balloon text to specified table. ‘ Choose the correct table (BOM) from the drop-down below.

How do I export a Bill of Materials from SolidWorks to excel?

To save a bill of materials as an Excel file:

  1. Click the bill of materials on the drawing sheet.
  2. Click File > Save As.
  3. Enter a file name, and click Save.