How do I get the query plan in Sybase?

Obtaining an Execution Plan

  1. Open a SQL file or procedural object in its corresponding editor.
  2. In the source for SQL file or procedural object, select the statement or statements for which you want to display an execution plan.
  3. Right-click and select Get Execution Plan.

How will you performance tune a query in Sybase database?

Sybase Performance Tuning Tips

  1. Specify Growth Projection. If you’re using ASE 15, it’s for a reason.
  2. Tuning Indexes.
  3. Mind Foreign Key Constraints.
  4. Monitor CPU Usage.
  5. Avoid Using Co-Related Subqueries.
  6. Collect Performance Data.
  7. Lock, Lock, Lock.
  8. Process in Several Partitions.

Is Sybase same as SAP?

Sybase was acquired by SAP in 2010; SAP ceased using the Sybase name in 2014.

What is Sybase service?

Sybase is a computer software company that develops and sells database management system (DBMS) and middleware products.

What is Sybase called now?

July 25, 2019. July 25, 2019 | Larry Goldman | Senior Director, Product Marketing. For decades, Sybase, now SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) and related products, has been a popular relational enterprise database management system.

How does Sybase work?

Sybase database servers consist of a data server and a backup server. There are two processes of the Sybase database server, whereas an Oracle instance has five mandatory processes: SMON (System Monitor), PMON (Process Monitor), LGWR (Log Writer), DBWR (Database Writer), and CKPT (Checkpoint).

Who owns Sybase?

SAP America
Sybase/Parent organizations

Is Sybase end of life?

With support ending for SAP ASE – also known by its original name of Sybase – in 2025, users of the relational database management system are looking for alternatives.

What SQL does Sybase use?

Sybase IQ, like SQL Anywhere, supports a large subset of Transact-SQL, which is the dialect of SQL supported by Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise.

Is Sybase similar to SQL?

As Sybase and SQL Server has same roots and the core code base which is closely tied with each other then it’s safe to assume that their syntax is very close to each other if it is not 100% same to same.