What is the best type of hutch for a guinea pig?

Two of the hutches that offer the most space for your guinea pigs are the Chartwell and Kendal hutches. Chartwell hutches are deeper than many guinea pig hutches, including the Kendal hutch, which is a real advantage for your small pets, giving them more space to play.

Are hutches OK for guinea pigs?

Rabbits and guinea pigs will be happy in a large weatherproof hutch kept off the ground and out of direct sunlight and strong winds. The hutch should be moved to an indoor area or porch in cold weather. Many hutches sold in pet shops are too small.

How big should a guinea pig hutch be?

Guinea Pig Cage Size Guidelines The minimum size cage for one guinea pig, according to the RSPCA is 7.5 ft squared ( 27 inches x 41 inches), but the preferred size should be 10.5 ft squared (27 inches x 56 inches).

Will my guinea pigs be OK outside in winter?

Yes, Guinea Pigs can live outside all year long, however, if you choose to keep your piggy outside during the winter, you must ensure his hutch is protected from the cold, wind and rain. Guinea Pigs are sensitive to extreme temperatures.

Should I cover my guinea pig’s cage at night?

Covering the whole cage at night can create problems and affect your guinea pigs breathing. That means that you should only cover part of their cage at night. This ensures that the cage remains properly ventilated while still letting in some light.

What can I put in the bottom of my guinea pig hutch?

The best items to put on the bottom of a guinea pig cage are absorbent, soft, and odorless. Hay, paper and aspen shavings, 100% wood pellets, and fleece meet those basic requirements. Used alone or combined with other materials, all are good options to cover the bottom of a cavy enclosure.

What do you line a guinea pig hutch with?

We suggest lining it with newspapers first. This will protect the bottom of the hutch and makes cleaning the cage easier too. Add the hay or wood shavings on top of the newspaper, making sure there is extra hay for your cavy to burrow and dig.

What is the best habitat for a guinea pig?

GuineaPigCages.com, a website recommended by the Humane Society of the United States, recommends that a habitat for a single guinea pig be at least 7.5 square feet and ideally 30″ x 36″. For two pets, the ideal size is 10.5 square feet.

Where should a guinea pig cage be placed?

A Bright Room Choose a bright location with indirect sunlight. You may expose the cage only to occasional direct sunlight, such as morning light. Avoid putting guinea pigs next to bright windows and glass doors. Do not put cages in closets or other small, enclosed areas.

What cages are bad for guinea pigs?

Plastic tubs, glass aquariums and cages with wire floors are NOT acceptable as guinea pig housing. One guinea pig: 7.5 square feet, or about 30”x 36”, is the bare minimum recommended, but bigger is better.

Do guinea pigs need a roof on their cage?

If housed outside, their accommodation must have a secure roof to prevent predators from getting in and wire mesh or bars will protect your guinea pigs while allowing them to see out.

Is it cruel to keep guinea pigs outside?

Guinea pigs can live indoors or outdoors, so long as they have enough space and you can keep them at a comfortable temperature in the summer heat or bad winter weather. You can also keep your guinea pigs in their own heated outhouse, a car-free garage or a shed.

What month can guinea pigs go outside?

Are guinea pigs OK in the rain?

Do guinea pigs need a roof?

Generally, NO. Guinea pigs aren’t jumpers or climbers. Hedgehogs, on the other hand, need higher Coroplast walls because they can and will climb. Generally speaking, you only need to cover a guinea pig cage that has high enough walls if you need to keep kids, cats or dogs out.

How do you keep a guinea pig cage from smelling?

To keep your guinea pigs smelling good, clean their cage at least once a week by replacing the bedding and wiping everything down with soapy water. You can also spray the bottom of the cage with 1 part white vinegar and 9 parts water when you clean it to help eliminate odors.

Can I use a bath mat as guinea pig bedding?

Bath mats are very comfortable for guinea pigs. They have most of the perks of fleece (minus the variety of patterns), with less of the headaches. For example, no wicking is involved. Also, they’re light and very easy to switch out and to clean.

What do you put on the floor of a guinea pig cage?

The Best Flooring for Guinea Pigs

  • Recycled Paper Bedding. Recycled paper bedding is usually safe, as well as being a green choice.
  • Fleece Bedding. Fleece bedding is very safe for guinea pigs with sensitive respiratory tracts.
  • Aspen Shavings.
  • CareFRESH Bedding.
  • Timothy Hay Bedding.

How do I choose a guinea pig cage?

Why size matters

  1. One guinea pig: 7.5 square feet, or about 30”x 36”, is the bare minimum recommended, but bigger is better.
  2. Two guinea pigs: 7.5 square feet (minimum), but at least 10.5 square feet (30” x 50”) is preferred.