What does it mean to counter the charge?

Definition of countercharge : a charge made in response to or retaliation for another charge Courteous discussion gave way to charges of mistreatment and counter-charges of disloyalty.—

What is another word for counteroffer?

Other relevant words (noun): proposal, counterbid, counterproposal.

What is another word for charge?


  • disbursement,
  • expenditure,
  • expense,
  • outgo,
  • outlay.
  • How does a counter charge work?

    By the way, what a counter charge means is that your client would not go to the police to lay the charge, but they would go in front of a Justice of the Peace to lay what’s called a “privately laid information.” If the Justice of the Peace accepts your version of events and determines there are reasonable grounds to …

    What is a counter charge in war?

    noun. a charge brought by an accused person against the accuser. military a retaliatory charge. verb.

    What is a counterespionage?

    Definition of counterespionage : the activity concerned with detecting and thwarting enemy espionage.

    What does counter bid mean?

    Definition of counterbid : a bid made in response to another bid After three days of further bids and counterbids, with the threat of action by competitors not hitherto involved, Axelman made McKee an especially attractive offer …—

    What is a counter proposal?

    Definition of counterproposal : a return proposal made by one who has rejected a proposal.

    What is charge slang for?

    Slang. a thrill; kick.

    What is another word for charge forward?

    What is another word for charge?

    rush bolt
    pass by move forward
    move rapidly go by
    flounce stamp
    gear up bowl over

    What are Schedule 6 Offences?

    Schedule 6 offences include murder when it was planned or premeditated and rape when committed in circumstances where the victim was raped more than once, whether by the accused or by any co-perpetrator or accomplice.

    What is a military charge?

    A charge is referred when the service member’s commander decides to take the case to a court-martial trial. For example, if the commander finds that the Article 32 hearing supports a finding of probable cause, they likely will refer the case to trial.

    What was the largest infantry charge in history?

    Sobieski’s greatest military victory came when he led the joint forces of Poland and the Holy Roman Empire at Vienna in 1683, when the Turks were on the point of taking the city. The crucial assault led by the Polish king, involving 20,000 horsemen, is described as the largest cavalry charge in history.

    What are the types of counterintelligence?

    Counter intelligence is conducted in three overlapping phases: detection, or the recognition of some actual or apparent evidence of subversive activity; investigation, or finding out more about this evidence; and research and analysis, which puts the information into such order that some use may be made of it.

    Does CIA do counterintelligence?

    The Central Intelligence Agency Counterintelligence Center (CIC) protects CIA operations from being compromised by foreign adversaries. To do this, CIC analyzes the capabilities, intentions and activities of foreign intelligence services.

    What is counter offer example?

    Example: Susan Seller offers to sell her house for $150,000, to be paid in 60 days; Bruce Buyer receives the offer and gives Seller a counter offer of $140,000, payable in 45 days. The original offer is dead, despite the shorter time for payment since the price is lower.

    What is counter offer auction?

    Key Takeaways: A counterbid is a response to an initial offer or bid. Either purchaser or seller can make counterbids, revising their offers until both sides can agree upon a price. Counterbids may also come from a third party not involved in the original offer.

    How do you counter a contract offer?

    How to make a salary counteroffer

    1. Ask for time to make your decision.
    2. Conduct research on industry compensation.
    3. Assess your qualifications and experience.
    4. Review and evaluate the initial offer.
    5. Determine your counteroffer value.
    6. Submit your counteroffer.
    7. Prepare for the employer’s response.
    8. Negotiate the offer as needed.

    What does it mean to counter an offer?

    A counteroffer functions as both a rejection of an offer to enter into a contract, as well as a new offer that materially changes the terms of the original offer. Because a counteroffer serves as a rejection, it completely voids the original offer. This means that the original offer can no longer be accepted.

    What is a negative charge?

    a charge that has more electrons than protons and has a lower electrical potential.