What is the main use of the andon lights?

Today, Lean manufacturers everywhere use Andon systems as a visual management tool to quickly alert those who need to maintain or oversee a plant floor. The system alerts them when assistance is needed and allows an operator to shut the production process down if a quality issue arises.

What is andon lamp?

Andon is a Japanese term meaning “light” or “lamp.” In Lean manufacturing, an andon refers to a tool that is used to inform and alarm workers of problems within their production process. It is an integral part of applying Jidoka in the workplace.

What is andon system?

Andon is a system that quickly alerts operators about a problem on the line. This immediate alert allows the problem to be addressed on the spot so that the assembly line can return to normal operation. Learn more about the Andon system, a proven method of driving efficiency and producing high-quality end products.

What does green light off on your andon mean?

The blue and white lights are used with more flexibility. Below you will find the typical meanings for each of the five colors. Green Status Light – Everything is running well. The machine or process is under control and no action is necessary. Yellow Status Light – Warning signal.

What are Andon signals?

Andon, which in Japanese means a paper lantern – 行灯, is a signal used to alert Lean teams of a crucial status change, an activity that has failed or is running sub-optimally. An Andon can be a light going off, a text display on a ticker board, or a sound alert.

What is an Andon switch?

In manufacturing, andon (Japanese: アンドン or あんどん or 行灯) is a system which notifies managerial, maintenance, and other workers of a quality or process problem. The alert can be activated manually by a worker using a pullcord or button or may be activated automatically by the production equipment itself.