What is abdominal Sacrohysteropexy?

Sacrohysteropexy is a surgical procedure to correct uterine prolapse. It involves a resuspension of the prolapsed uterus using a strip of synthetic mesh to lift the uterus and hold it in place. It allows for normal sexual function and preserves childbearing function. Sacrohysteropexy.

Why is a colpopexy performed?

This procedure is intended to correct pelvic prolapse that results from inadequate support of the vaginal apex. If the physician uses an abdominal approach and attaches the vault of the vagina to the sacrum the procedure is called a Colpopexy.

What is a Sacropoplexy?

What is a sacrocolpopexy? A sacrocolpopexy is a surgical procedure used to treat pelvic organ prolapse. Pelvic organ prolapse is a condition that is caused by a weakening of the normal support of the pelvic floor, and is similar to a hernia in the vagina.

Is Sacrocolpopexy major surgery?

Sacrocolpopexy is a major surgical procedure to treat prolapse of the vault (top) of the vagina in women who have had a previous hysterectomy by fixing it to the sacrum using a graft or mesh.

What does a Hysteropexy do?

Hysteropexy involves lifting the prolapsed uterus back into its normal position. This is done by using a strip of synthetic mesh to lift the uterus and hold it in place.

What is colporrhaphy surgery?

Colporrhaphy is a surgical procedure to repair pelvic organ prolapse such as cystocele (prolapsed bladder) or rectocele (prolapsed rectum). Approximately one in 10 women will require surgery to repair pelvic organ prolapse at some point in their lives.

What is colpopexy surgery?

Sacral colpopexy is a surgery used to repair pelvic organ prolapse. This is a condition where your pelvic organs, such as your vagina and uterus, sag or fall out. Sacral colpopexy treats pelvic organ prolapse by putting your organs back where they should be.

What does colpopexy mean in medical terms?

Colpopexy: The use of stitches to bring a displaced vagina back into position against the abdominal wall.

What is Perineorrhaphy surgery?

Perineorrhaphy means suturing of the perineum, and is sometimes used synonymously with perineoplasty, which means surgical repair of the perineum.

What is a McCall Culdoplasty?

The modified McCall culdoplasty (MC) is a relatively simple procedure that is performed after the removal of the uterus and cervix from the apex of the vagina, where the angles of the vagina are attached to their respective uterosacral ligaments, and the cul-de-sac is surgically obliterated for support postoperatively …

What is the success rate of Sacrocolpopexy?

Abdominal sacrocolpopexy (ASC), an abdominal approach to apical and anterior vaginal prolapse, is considered to be the gold standard treatment for vaginal vault prolapse. Numerous studies have shown this procedure to have high success rates (78–100%) and long-term durability.

How long does it take to recover from a Sacrocolpopexy?

Most women feel better within the first week following surgery; however, do not lift, push or pull any heavy objects until after your doctor says it is OK. Full recovery takes six weeks to allow for internal healing.

Can a hysteropexy fail?

Interventions Treatment with sacrospinous hysteropexy or vaginal hysterectomy with suspension of the uterosacral ligaments. The predefined non-inferiority margin was an increase in surgical failure rate of 7%.

Which of the following conditions is corrected by hysteropexy?

A hysteropexy is performed to correct prolapse of the uterus (womb). Most gynaecology units in the UK would offer hysterectomy when the uterus has prolapsed. This is inappropriate when women wish to preserve fertility and indeed many women who have completed their families still wish to preserve their uterus.

Is colporrhaphy major surgery?

Colporrhaphy is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that repairs and strengthens the vaginal wall after a pelvic organ prolapse (POP). A pelvic organ prolapse occurs when one of the organs in the pelvic floor region slips out of its normal location in the body.

How is colporrhaphy performed?

During a colporrhaphy, a speculum is inserted into the vagina to hold it open, while an incision is made to separate the skin of the fascia from the lesion, which is folded over and sutured in place. Several different approaches to correct the vaginal defect may be taken while performing a colporrhaphy.

What is the purpose of a Colpoplasty?

Reasons for Colpoplasty Reconstruction after radiological cancer treatment. For correction of birth defects to the urethra, vagina, or rectum. To correct a pelvic organ prolapse, particularly uterine or vaginal prolapse. To repair the vagina after trauma, such as child birth.

What is a sacrospinous colpopexy?

What is a sacral colpopexy? Sacral colpopexy, also known as sacrocolpopexy or sacrospinous colpopexy, is a surgical procedure used to correct pelvic organ prolapse in women. When the muscles around a woman’s pelvis weaken, the pelvic organs can prolapse (slide out of place). This creates a bulge in the vagina.

How is colpopexy performed?

Since 1991 this surgery has been performed using laparoscopy (keyhole surgery) and since 2004 it has been performed with robotic assistance using the da Vinci robot.

What is a Vulvectomy procedure?

In a simple vulvectomy, the entire vulva is removed (the inner and outer labia; sometimes the clitoris, too) as well as tissue just under the skin. A partial or modified radical vulvectomy removes part of the vulva, including the deep tissue.