What are the physical requirements for the French Foreign Legion?

You will need to do at least four pull-ups, complete a 2800-meter (1.7 mile) run in 12 minutes and complete a Luc leger, or sprinting race with at least seven landings of 20 meters (22 yards).

How tall do you have to be to be in the French Army?

The British General Staff’s Handbook of the French Army 1914 says that the minimum height for French infantrymen and artillerymen was five feet three inches.

Is 30 too old to join the French Foreign Legion?

The legal age for joining the Foreign Legion without any consent signed by your parents or legal guardian, is 18 years. If you are 18 years of age or older, you are allowed to enlist in the French Foreign Legion on your own. The maximum age limit for joining the Foreign Legion is 39 years and 6 months.

What is the age cut off for the French Foreign Legion?

Men between the ages of 17 and 40, of any nationality, may join the legion. Recruits enlist under an assumed name—a requirement known as the anonymat—but a legionnaire may request to serve under his true name after a year of service.

How many pull ups for French Foreign Legion?

The “welcome to the French Foreign Legion” pull-ups. If you cannot overcome this challenge you need to go straight home without even starting with the selection process. Officially, you only have to do 4 pull-ups but it depends on the caporal-chef’s mood how many you really have to accomplish.

Is it hard to get into the French Foreign Legion?

Comprised of a select 8,000 men, the French Foreign Legion has a reputation for being one of the most challenging environments to serve within in any military worldwide.

How hard is the French Foreign Legion?

Do you lose US citizenship if you join the French Foreign Legion?

One who voluntarily serves as a commissioned or non-commissioned officer in the military of a country not engaged in hostilities with the United States will lose one’s U.S. citizenship only if one intended to relinquish U.S. citizenship when he/she served in the armed forces of a foreign state.

What happens if you desert the French Foreign Legion?

There is a standard sentence of 40 days. (Assuming a Legionnaire has not deserted whilst at war or on the brink of war, then a Legionnaire could face up to two years in a French civilian jail after serving the forty days in the Legion prison).

Can you have tattoos in the French Foreign Legion?

Tattoos are a long tradition within the Foreign Legion. In France, around 1900, only legionnaires, French soldiers from BILA African battalions (nicknamed the Bat’d’Af), mariners, and prisoners were well-known for being tattooed. So, there is no problem with you having a tattoo if you want to become a legionnaire.

Can criminals join the French Foreign Legion?

4. The Legion used to accept anyone — criminals and misfits especially — with no questions, but now there is a thorough screening process. Since its founding in 1831, the Legion has become the one place of escape for those with haunted pasts.

Is swimming compulsory for French Foreign Legion?

You will be asked to swim 10 meters almost immediately after 100m. As I have previously said you have plenty of time so use it.

Why does the French Foreign Legion change your name?

Any French citizens who want to join must change their nationality to another French-speaking country. In many ways, Legionnaires are shedding their former national identities for a new French identity.

Why do the French Foreign Legion wear aprons?

Leather Apron (French: Tablier de Cuir): Originally colored yellow with heritage to the 18th century and worn by the infantry sapeurs, the apron initially served the function to protect the sapeurs from wooden munitions blasts, breaching blasts and also limiting risks of penetration on obstacles in case of fall.

Does the French Foreign Legion take murderers?