Are there female Turians?

Males and females do not differ greatly in terms of physical appearance, but female turians lack the sweptback cranial crests of their male counterparts and possess larger, cat-like eyes.

Why do Volus wear suits?

They hail from Irune, which possesses a high-pressure greenhouse atmosphere able to support an ammonia-based biochemistry. As a result, the volus must wear pressure suits and breathers when dealing with other species.

What color is salarian blood?

greenish color
Their blood is a greenish color. Salarians are androgynous, and exhibit no major facial differences between males and females. Salarians are noted for their high-speed metabolism, which allows them to function on just one hour of sleep a day.

Are there any male Asari?

There is some conflicting information regarding the gender of the asari. Asari are a mono-gendered species with no concept of gender differences.

How tall are Salarians?

Age: The average lifespan of a Salarian is typically below 40. This is a known weakness of having such a high metabolism. Height: The salarian race is tall and lean they can reach up to 6’5″. Wheight: Normal salarians typically do not exceed 100 pounds.

Are there female krogan?

Eve, as named by Mordin Solus or Padok Wiks, also known as Urdnot Bakara, is a female krogan shaman. Eve is the only survivor of Maelon’s experiments on Tuchanka in 2185 to cure the genophage.

How tall is a volus?

2 feet
Height: The average height of the volus is just under 2 feet. Weight: Most of the weight of the volus comes from their suit as well as the containers they hold to maintain the lifesupport within the suit. Normally a volus, even with thier odd roundness is only 100 pounds without armor.

How old is Garrus Vakarian?

In accordance with this timeline, Shepard would be 29 years old in the first game, making Garrus 25 years old. Turian aging is very similar to human aging, unlike with most other species. In the Mass Effect universe, both typically live until ~140 years old.

Are Salarians asexual?

Salarians are asexual*, and many (although not all) are aromantic; those that are not aromantic generally do not have any association between reproduction and romance unless they are in a relationship with an asari, who generally do prefer to raise children with their romantic partners.

Does asari get pregnant?

Instead of trading cellular material directly like other biological organisms, asari reproduce by “melding”: linking their nervous systems with their partner’s using their biotic abilities and utilizing the electrical pattern of their partner’s system to provide a template for half the DNA of their resulting child.

Are salarians asexual?

How old can krogan get?

Krogan can live for well over a thousand years, as evidenced by Warlord Okeer, a veteran of the Krogan Rebellions who died (of decidedly unnatural causes) well over a thousand years after the Rebellions ended.

Is Kesh a female krogan?

Nakmor Kesh is a female krogan and part of the core team of station engineers who built the Nexus. Her contributions during the mission include station upkeep and ensuring all facilities remain in working order.

How many female krogan are there?

one female krogan
Trivia. Prior to Mass Effect 3, only one female krogan can be encountered. She could be found during Mordin Solus’ loyalty mission, lying dead on a table under a tarp. She was noticeably smaller than male krogan.

What race is the Shadow Broker?

the yahg
The Shadow Broker is revealed to be a member of a pre-spaceflight race called the yahg. Liara surmises that because the yahg were not discovered until 2125 CE and the Broker’s ship is considerably older than that, this yahg usurped the original Shadow Broker years ago and has been running the organization ever since.

How tall is Tali Zorah?

roughly 5 feet 8 inches
According to Tali’s “Character Key”, a limited edition item formerly sold in the Bioware Store, Tali stands at 172 centimeters tall, roughly 5 feet 8 inches.

How old can Krogan get?

Do Salarians lay eggs?

Sex and Reproduction The salarians are amphibian haplo-diploid egg-layers; unfertilized eggs produce males and fertilized eggs produce females. Once a year, a salarian female will lay a clutch of up to several dozen eggs (though it can be as few as three).