What is an example of indicative mood?

Indicative means “stating a fact.” The indicative mood is a category of verb forms that we use to state facts. Examples: “Joe plays outside.” (The speaker thinks it’s a fact.) “It will rain soon.” (The speaker thinks it’s a fact.)

What is an example of indicative?

Indicative is defined as a grammar term for a verb or a sentence that either makes a statement or asks a question. An example of the indicative is the sentence, “The birds are singing.”

Which sentence is in the indicative mood?

The main verb in a declarative sentence (a statement) or an interrogative sentence (a question) will be in the indicative mood.

How is indicative used in a sentence?

Indicative sentence example. All these remains are indicative of a bridge. Katie looked around, unable to tell if her sister’s empty closet was indicative of a weekend trip or something more permanent. The plane was scheduled to leave in 45 minutes but one look at the departure board was indicative of things to come.

What are the 5 verbs moods examples?

Verb Moods These moods are: indicative, imperative, interrogative, conditional and subjunctive.

What is imperative mood example?

The imperative mood is a mood in English grammar that inflects a direct command or a strong request. Commanding statements like “take out the trash” or “give me another slice” are phrased in the imperative mood.

What is an example of imperative mood?

How do you identify an indicative mood?

Indicative Mood It states, asks, or denies a fact. However, it can also express an opinion because opinions are often stated as facts; when you have an opinion about something, you usually view it as a fact.

What is indicative mood in English?

1. Indicative Mood: This mood is used to express a fact statement. The verb in the indicative mood expresses an action as a statement of fact.

What is indicative past tense?

Verbs in the past indicative describe things that have happened or are believed to have happened at some point in the past.

What is an example of subjunctive mood?

The subjunctive mood appears in many different types of sentences. As a dependent clause: “If you would propose to me, I would say yes.” To describe a hypothetical: “She acts as though she is already CEO.” In past subjunctive form: “I would be a doctor if I had studied harder in school.”

Which sentence is in the subjunctive mood?

The subjunctive mood expresses wishes, suggestions, demands, or desires in a sentence with usually two clauses, with a verb such as wish (or suggest, demand, etc.) in one clause and a second verb in the subjunctive mood. In the sentence ‘I wish I were the president’ the verb ‘were’ is in the subjunctive mood.

What are the example of imperative sentence?

Here are some examples of imperative sentences: Remember to pick up the dry cleaning today. Tell me if I should go to Hawaii or Alaska for my summer vacation. Leave the book under my doormat.

Which sentence uses the imperative mood?

Imperative mood meaning: When forming a request or command, a sentence is written in the imperative mood. Imperative Mood Examples: Lindsey, please go clean your room. After you have cleaned your room, take the trash out to the garage.

What does indicative and subjunctive mean?

Main Difference – Indicative vs. Subjective The main difference between indicative and subjunctive mood is that Indicative mood is used to state facts while subjunctive mood is to indicate imaginary or conditional situations.

What is subjunctive example?

Examples of subjunctive in a Sentence Adjective In “I wish it were Friday,” the verb “were” is in the subjunctive mood. Noun “I wish it were not so” is in the subjunctive. Subjunctives can be used to express doubt.

What are 20 examples of imperative sentences?

Examples of Imperative Sentence

  • Bring me a glass of water.
  • Don’t ever touch my phone.
  • Give me a pen and a pencil.
  • Play with intensity and courage.
  • Remember me when we are parted.
  • Never forget the person who loves you.
  • Take a step and don’t move.
  • Don’t be excited about everything without reason.

What are 10 examples of exclamatory sentences?

Here are some examples of exclamatory sentences:

  • You were meant to be back yesterday!
  • Jeepers! You scared the life out of me!
  • We won!
  • This puzzle is driving me up the wall!
  • You’re adorable!
  • It’s a boy!
  • I’m really going to miss this place!

What are 5 examples of imperative sentences?

Imperative Sentence Examples

  • Pass the salt.
  • Move out of my way!
  • Shut the front door.
  • Find my leather jacket.
  • Be there at five.
  • Clean your room.
  • Complete these by tomorrow.
  • Consider the red dress.

How do you know if a sentence is indicative or subjunctive?

The indicative is used to talk about things that are objective and/or certain. This includes things like facts, descriptions, and scheduled events. The subjunctive is used to talk about things that are subjective and/or possible, but not certain.