What mouthpiece should I use on mellophone?

While a mellophone mouthpiece is the best option, a deep and wide trumpet mouthpiece will get you most of the way there. Some trumpet mouthpieces will work better than others, but in general, you’re going to want either a large trumpet mouthpiece or something designed for flugelhorn.

Will a trumpet mouthpiece fit a mellophone?

A trumpet mouthpiece will definitely not work. It is preferable to use an actual mellophone mouthpiece. A cornet mouthpiece will work with a vintage horn. The modern marching style mellophones use French horn shank mouthpieces.

How do I choose a horn for my mouthpiece?

In general, Kruspe horns work better with deeper, more V-shaped mouthpiece cups with bore sizes in the 1 – 10 range, while Geyer horns work better with shallower, bowl-shaped mouthpiece cups with bore sizes in the 12-16 range. Remember, these are generalities, but they are good places to start.

What shape is the mouthpiece on the French horn?

Generally speaking there are two types of French horn mouthpiece cups: bowled-shaped cups and funnel-shaped cups.

Can you use a French horn mouthpiece on a mellophone?

This adapter allows a standard French horn mouthpiece to fit into marching mellophone. Modern mellophones use a standard trumpet shank. Will accommodate most brands including King, Yamaha, Blessing, Bach and others.

Is mellophone easier than French horn?

According to most people on different online platforms, a mellophone is an easy to learn marching band instrument with little use in other musical activities. On the other hand, the French horn is a complex instrument, that people take long to learn even if they have a concrete trumpet foundation.

Do I need a bigger mouthpiece?

The more meat in the mouthpiece results in a richer, darker tone quality. The more lip you are utilizing, the more muscles need to be strengthened. The more lip muscles in the cup, the better your flexibility. Larger mouthpieces generally make soft entrances easier.

Why is the French horn mouthpiece so small?

Its shallow depth creates a shorter distance for air to travel, making it easier to reach those high notes, and overall produce a bright tone. Their biggest disadvantage is that notes in the low register can be difficult to play smoothly.

What does a deeper mouthpiece do?

A mouthpiece with a large cup diameter increases the volume, while a deeper cup gives the tone a dark quality. A flat cup results in a harder, brighter tone, but a deep cup makes it easier to produce high notes.

What is D sharp on mellophone?

D-sharp or E-flat. 2-3.

Is mellophone used in jazz?

Mellophones are French horns that resemble trumpets. They have a narrower bore and more tubing than a french horn, which is mostly circular. These instruments are primarily used in marching bands, but can also be found in jazz music.

What Clef is mellophone in?

The mellophone is a three-valved brass instrument pitched in the key of F or E♭.

What is the difference between 3C and 7C mouthpiece?

the 3C is slightly wider with a slightly shallower cup and a somewhat different rim design. The 7C is slightly deeper with a slightly narrower cup diameter, and a much sharper, more precise rim.

Why is the French horn the hardest instrument to play?

But the mechanics — and history — behind the horn’s incredible range have made the instrument notoriously difficult to master. Playing it is a matter of endurance, and requires pushing steady air through 12- to sometimes nearly 30-feet of tubing, all from a mouthpiece just a few millimeters wide.

What does the C mean in mouthpieces?

Cup size
Cup size: This refers to the profile of the cup. In Bach mouthpieces, the cup design is referred to by a letter (eg C). The cup depth is designated by a number (eg 7). A larger number will give a “shallower” cup, and a smaller rim diameter. A 1½C will be deeper than 7C and have a larger inner rim diameter.

Why a large mouthpiece will not make you stronger?

If the backbore is too large, then the mouthpiece does not have sufficient resistance (produce sufficient back-pressure) and this has a negative influence on endurance. A more steeply tapered backbore makes it easier to produce high notes (typical of jazz trumpets), but smothers tone and volume.