What happens if tissue is left after D&C?

In rare cases, if you had a D&C after a miscarriage, you may develop Asherman’s syndrome. This condition occurs when adhesions, or bands of scar tissue, form in the uterus. In Asherman’s syndrome, scar tissue builds up between the uterine walls. The walls then stick together.

What happens if you have retained tissue after abortion?

Retained tissue Sometimes a natural miscarriage does not complete itself properly, even after a few weeks, and some pregnancy tissue remains in the womb. You may need some drugs or occasionally an operation to remove this.

What are the signs of retained products of conception?

The characteristic clinical manifestations of RPOC include one or more of the following: uterine bleeding, pelvic pain, fever, and/or uterine tenderness. These clinical findings are nonspecific; moreover, it is normal to have some postabortal bleeding and discomfort.

How do you get rid of retained products after an abortion?

In conclusion, hysteroscopy allows for removal of RPOC following medical abortion. This procedure is associated with low rates of intra- and post-operative complications as well as low rates of post-procedure intrauterine adhesions.

What does retained products of conception look like on ultrasound?

Ultrasound is typically the first-line investigation in suspected retained products of conception: a variable amount of echogenic or heterogeneous material within the endometrial cavity. in some instances, this may present like an endometrial or intrauterine mass.

What does Asherman’s syndrome feel like?

Signs & Symptoms Most patients with Asherman’s syndrome experience menstrual blood flow that is sparse (hypomenorrhea) or absent (amenorrhea) along with increased cramping and abdominal pain.

Will retained products come out naturally?

What are retained products of conception? Your recent ultrasound scan has identified some remaining pregnancy tissue (products of conception) within your uterus (womb). This tissue has failed to come away. The tissue may come away without treatment but this could take a number of days or even weeks.
