Where do you put rocks in a pond?

Flat rocks can be placed around the edge of the pond to create an overhanging shelf. This will provide shade for the fish and a place for them to hide from predators. Rounded rocks with a smooth surface also look great placed around the edge of the pond and they’re ideal for lizards to sun themselves on.

Should you put rocks in bottom of pond?

Pros of having rocks and gravel on pond bottom: Makes the bottom of the pond look natural and hides the liner material. Creates biological environment for beneficial bacteria to break down organic sludge. Rocks and gravel provide media for aquatic plants to attach their roots.

Do you put gravel at the bottom of a pond?

Pebbles can create the best kinds of habitats for all kinds of fish, by giving them places to hide and rest. Pebbles used along the bottom of the pond can help to anchor down plant life which can offer fish hiding places from predators or sunlight, or even just a place to sleep.

How do you line a pond with stones?

Use large, smooth rocks placed just one layer deep and if you have included a bottom drain, keep a wide area around it free of rocks. Debris won’t get trapped as easily between smooth surfaces plus there is less risk of damage to the pond liner. Invest in a pond vacuum cleaner to clean the rock surfaces of debris.

Should I put gravel on the bottom of my pond?

What rocks are best for ponds?

If you’ll be keeping fish in your pond, it’s important to use smooth or rounded stones so the fish aren’t injured on sharp corners. The best kind of rock to use is granite, sandstone or slate. Limestone isn’t recommended because it can alter the pH level of the water.

How do you put stones in a pond?

Stone pond project summary

  1. Find the ideal spot in your garden for a pond.
  2. Choose your perfect pond edging stones.
  3. Mark out the area for your stone pond.
  4. Dig around the marked pond area to create a trench.
  5. Prepare your pond lining sheet.
  6. Place your decorative stones around the pond edge.
  7. Add water to your garden pond.

What should I put on my pond floor?

Gravel protects the pond liner from sunlight. Gravel looks more natural than a bare liner. Gravel makes it easier to work and play in your pond. It’s a lot safer to walk on gravel than on a slippery liner.