How is Jensen alpha calculated?

Real World Example of Jensen’s Measure The beta of the fund versus that same index is 1.2, and the risk-free rate is 3%. The fund’s alpha is calculated as: Alpha = 15% – (3% + 1.2 x (12% – 3%)) = 15% – 13.8% = 1.2%. Given a beta of 1.2, the mutual fund is expected to be riskier than the index, and thus earn more.

What is a good Jensen alpha?

If the daily return based on CAPM is 0.15% and the actual stock return is 0.20%, then Jensen’s alpha is 0.05%, which is a good indicator.

What is an alpha calculator?

Jensen’s alpha is used to determine the abnormal return of a security or portfolio of securities over the theoretical expected return.

Is Sharpe ratio same as alpha?

The Sharpe ratio has a real advantage over alpha. Remember that standard deviation measures the volatility of a fund’s return in absolute terms, not relative to an index. So whereas a fund’s R-squared must be high for alpha to be meaningful, Sharpe ratios are meaningful all the time.

What is the difference between alpha and Jensen’s alpha?

In finance, Jensen’s alpha (or Jensen’s Performance Index, ex-post alpha) is used to determine the abnormal return of a security or portfolio of securities over the theoretical expected return. It is a version of the standard alpha based on a theoretical performance instead of a market index.

What does a high alpha mean?

Alpha of greater than zero means an investment outperformed, after adjusting for volatility. When hedge fund managers talk about high alpha, they’re usually saying that their managers are good enough to outperform the market.

How is alpha calculated in regression?

Each dot has the benchmark’s return minus the risk-free rate as its x value and your return minus the risk-free rate as its y value. You then find the straight line that best fits all the dots, and that’s your linear regression line. Where it crosses the y axis is your alpha, and the slope of the line is your beta.

What is alpha in Crypto?

Alpha Finance Lab is an ecosystem of DeFi products that enables interoperability within a cross-chain structure to connect users with platforms such as Ethereum (ETH) and Binance Smart Chain (BSC).

How do I find alpha in excel?

The expected rate of return of the portfolio can be calculated using the risk-free rate of return, market risk premium and beta of the portfolio as shown below….Alpha Formula Calculator.

Alpha Formula = Actual Rate of Return – Expected Rate of Return
= 0 – 0
= 0

What is Jensen alpha in mutual funds?

What is a good alpha ratio?

Anything more than zero is a good alpha; higher the alpha ratio in mutual fund schemes on a consistent basis, higher is the potential of long term returns. Generally, beta of around 1 or less is recommended.

Is higher Jensen alpha better?

A positive Jensen’s alpha suggests the fund manager’s stock selection skill has delivered superior risk-adjusted returns. When comparing two funds with similar beta ratios, investors prefer the one with the higher alpha since this implies greater reward at the same level of risk.

Is a higher or lower alpha better?

A high alpha is always good. A high beta may be preferred by an investor in growth stocks but shunned by investors who seek steady returns and lower risk.

Is a lower alpha better?

Defining Alpha Alpha is also a measure of risk. An alpha of -15 means the investment was far too risky given the return. An alpha of zero suggests that an asset has earned a return commensurate with the risk. Alpha of greater than zero means an investment outperformed, after adjusting for volatility.

How do you calculate alpha in regression?