What is the meaning of BTL activities?

Key Takeaways. Below-the-line advertising is an advertising strategy where products are promoted in media other than mainstream radio or television. Below-the-line advertising campaigns include direct mail campaigns, trade shows, catalogs, and targeted search engine marketing.

What is BTL and TTL?

ATL Marketing Definition: Above-the-Line Marketing – widespread brand-building advertising. BTL Marketing Definition: Below-the-Line Marketing – highly targeted direct marketing focused on conversions. TTL Marketing Definition: Through-the-Line Marketing- integrated ATL and BTL marketing campaigns.

What is the difference between ATL BTL and TTL?

Businesses use TTL to connect to their customers at multiple points i.e. by using both ATL and BTL. For instance, a customer can get to know about a brand through a TV commercial (ATL), and then find its products in a digital ad on a website (BTL).

What is ATL and BTL activity?

ATL & BTL Agencies refer to two different styles of marketing agencies, especially in promotion marketing and communication. “ATL” stands for “Above The Line”, meaning that the advertising is going to be deployed around a wider target audience, e.g. television (TVC), radio, or billboards.

What is ATL and BTL examples?

In a nutshell, it’s a marketing strategy that is used for campaigns that seek to achieve brand building as well as conversions. An example of TTL advertising is digital marketing strategies that offer ATL advertising benefits while acting as BTL communication to the customers.

Is social media BTL or ATL?

Though, social media is an integral part of BTL activity today, but it beats even television, audio, magazines in creating brand value in terms of numbers and is way more rewarding.

Is digital BTL or ATL?

Above The Line (ATL) and Below The Line (BTL), digital channels are defined within these acronyms that the biggest advertising, marketing and creative agencies have been using for many years (since 1954 to be exact).

What is BTL communication?

Below The Line (BTL) communication is unconventional in nature, done at micro level and forms part of non-media communication. Measures include direct mailing, distribution of flyers, brochures, and usage of sponsorships, public relations, tele-marketing and point of sale.

What is BTL example?

Examples of BTL promotion are: Sales promotion. Direct marketing and direct mail. Public relations (PR)

Is social media BTL or TTL?

Through The Line (TTL) The advent of social media has blurred the ‘line’ segregating the marketing techniques. These days, companies use an integrated approach involving both ATL and BTL and it is called Through The Line (TTL) approach.

What is BTL marketing examples?

Examples of BTL promotion are:

  • Sales promotion.
  • Direct marketing and direct mail.
  • Public relations (PR)
  • Sponsorship.
  • Personal selling.
  • Branding and merchandising.
  • Packaging.
  • Telemarketing.

Is Facebook ATL or BTL?

Facebook Mass Advertising (broader targeting), Facebook generic brand postings, Google Display Ads & Mass Mailing campaigns can all be considered as ATL.

Why is it called below the line marketing?

BTL advertising is advertising that uses less conventional methods of advertising that the specific channels of advertising that may or may not be used by ATL advertising to promote products and services.