What is the science behind Diet Coke and Mentos?

Bubbles and soda will quickly shoot out of the bottle in a high fountain. The carbon dioxide molecules attach to the surfaces of the Mentos like they did in the cup of soda. All those Mentos in a lot of soda make a lot of bubbles that rise to the surface and push the soda out in a big woosh!

How many Mentos and Coke are in a rocket?

Do not allow them to stick together. Remove 5 to 7 Mentos from the roll. The more Mentos you use, the better the explosion; however, you don’t want to the Mentos to dip too far into the Diet Coke otherwise the explosion may begin before you can screw the lid on the bottle.

What type of chemical reaction is Coke and Mentos?

physical reaction
But the amazing eruption that takes place when Mentos are dropped into Diet Coke or other brands of diet soda pop is not a chemical reaction at all! Instead it is a physical reaction. That means that all of the pieces of the reaction are there, but that they are simply rearranged.

Which soda will explode the highest with Mentos?

Diet Coke
The results showed that Diet Coke created the most spectacular explosions with either fruit or mint Mentos, the fountains travelling a horizontal distance of up to 7 metres.

Does it matter what flavor Mentos affect the explosion?

Carnauba Wax and Geysers It doesn’t matter what flavor of Mentos candy you use, but Mentos candies do seem to work better than similarly-shaped candies (e.g., M&Ms, Lifesavers). The other candies do produce a geyser, but it won’t be as tall.

Why does Diet Coke work better with Mentos?

Diet Coke and Coke Zero react better with Mentos than regular Coke does because of the absence of sugar. A lack of sugar makes the soda mixture less viscous, given the presence of sweeteners, like aspartame, lowering the surface tension even more than usual.

How is Coke and Mentos physical change?

Since the addition of Mentos is just speeding up a physical process (i.e. the carbon dioxide gas coming out of solution), the reaction is a physical reaction. This is a state change for the carbon dioxide gas from being dissolved in Coke to a gaseous state.

Which soda is best for Mentos?

The Mentos Trick Usually, the trick is done using diet soda, especially Diet Coke or another cola, however, the main reason for this is because diet drinks are less sticky/easier to clean up than other sodas.

What soda has the best reaction to Mentos?

Diet Coke and Coke Zero react better with Mentos than regular Coke does because of the absence of sugar. A lack of sugar makes the soda mixture less viscous, given the presence of sweeteners, like aspartame, lowering the surface tension even more than usual.

How many Mentos do you put in a 20 oz Coke?

Assuming that you’re using the paper tube method, you’ll want to load the seven Mentos into the tube, cover the bottom of the tube with your finger and position the tube directly over the mouth of the bottle. When you pull your finger out of the way, all seven Mentos should fall into the bottle at the same time.

How many Mentos does it take to make a Diet Coke explode?

Many soda geyser-ologists believe that seven Mentos candies produce the highest shooting geyser. Using any more than seven Mentos mints is just a waste, according to these soda-soaked science enthusiasts.

Why does Diet Coke work better than regular Coke with Mentos?