What kind of compressor is 1176?

feedback” compressor
The 1176 is a “feedback” compressor. The signal goes through the input stage, via the line input transformer, which has a big impact on the sound. From there, the signal is routed to the top of a FET, which is being used as a variable voltage resistor.

Is the 1176 a limiter?

The 1176 Peak Limiter is a dynamic range compressor designed by Bill Putnam and introduced by UREI in 1967. Derived from the 175 and 176 tube compressors, it marked the transition from vacuum tubes to solid-state technology….1176 Peak Limiter.

1176 Peak Limiter 1176 Limiting Amplifier
Outputs 1

What are 1176 compressors good for?

It can add a very useful, gritty compression effect. This setting is especially useful on bass, where compression and distortion might be needed at the same time, and the 1176 can provide both in a unique way. This trick also sounds great on screaming lead vocals.

Who made the original 1176 compressor?

Bill Putnam
The 1176 Peak Limiter is a dynamic range compressor designed by Bill Putnam and introduced by UREI in 1967. Derived from the 175 and 176 tube compressors, it marked the transition from vacuum tubes to solid-state technology.

Do I need analog compressor?

NO. You do not. The exception is if you’re recording in analog, but the vast majority of us are starting off in the digital realm, with our DAW. Let me explain why you don’t need to buy a compressor.

Is an 1176 soft knee?

As its predecessor, the 1176 utilizes soft knee compression and fixed threshold: compression amount is controlled through the input control. The compression character is handled by attack and release times and four selectable compression ratios.

What is the 1176 compressor good for?

Is the 1176 a tube compressor?

The 1176 Peak Limiter is a dynamic range compressor designed by Bill Putnam and introduced by UREI in 1967. Derived from the 175 and 176 tube compressors, it marked the transition from vacuum tubes to solid-state technology.

Does the FET amplifier give amplification?

A FET amplifier is an amplifier that uses one or more field-effect transistors (FETs). The most common type of FET amplifier is the MOSFET amplifier, which uses metal–oxide–semiconductor FETs (MOSFETs). The main advantage of a FET used for amplification is that it has very high input impedance and low output impedance.

Which type of compressor is best for vocals?

Optical compressors are the best types of compressors for vocals because of their smooth and transparent qualities. For a more aggressive sound, use a FET compressor.

What does all buttons in do 1176?

The All-Button mode, also known as the “British Mode”, is when you push in ALL of the ratio buttons simultaneously on your 1176 (4:1, 8:1, 12:1, 20:1). The same effect can be achieved by just pushing in 4:1 and 20:1.