What is findElement and findElements in Selenium?

Introduction to Selenium findElement Selenium defines two methods for identifying web elements: findElement: A command used to uniquely identify a web element within the web page. findElements: A command used to identify a list of web elements within the web page.

What is findElement?

Find Element command returns the web element that matches the first most element within the web page. Find Elements command returns a list of web elements that match the criteria. Find Element by XPath in Selenium command throws NoSuchElementException if it does not find the element matching the criteria.

What is difference between WebElement findElement and findElement?

Hi Nilaabh, Selenium Webdriver uses findElement and findElements methods to find locators of any web element. Now the difference between them is that the findElement command takes in the By object as the parameter and returns an object of type WebElement.

What is the return type of findElement and findElements?

The return type of findElements is a list whereas the return type of findElement is a WebElement. If there is no matching element on the page, an exception is thrown by the findElement method. In this scenario, an empty list id returned by the findElements method.

What is the difference between findElement () and findElements ()?

findElements in Selenium returns you the list of web elements that match the locator value, unlike findElement, which returns only a single web element. If there are no matching elements within the web page, findElements returns an empty list.

What is the difference between driver findElement () and driver findElements ()?

driver. findElement() is used to find a webElement on a webpage. driver. findElements() is used to find a List of webElements matching the locator passed as parameter.

What is the difference between findElement () and findElements () in Selenium WebDriver?

What is the difference between driver findElement () and driver findElements () commands Mcq?

findElement() and driver. findElements() commands? findElement() returns a single WebElement (found first) based on the locator passed as parameter. Whereas findElements() returns a list of WebElements, all satisfying the locator value passed.

What is difference between quit () and close ()?

quit() : The quit() method quits the driver, closing every associated window. driver. close() : The close() method closes the currently focused window, quitting the driver if the current window is the only open window. If there are no windows open, it will error out.

What is difference between driver findElement and driver findElements?

What is POM model?

Page Object Model, also known as POM, is a design pattern in Selenium that creates an object repository for storing all web elements. It is useful in reducing code duplication and improves test case maintenance. In Page Object Model, consider each web page of an application as a class file.

Which locator is faster in Selenium?

ID locator in
ID locator in Selenium is the most preferred and fastest way to locate desired WebElements on the page. ID Selenium locators are unique for each element in the DOM. Since IDs are unique for each element on the page, it is considered the fastest and safest method to locate elements.

Is Pom is a framework?

Simple POM: It’s the basic structure of Page object model framework where all Web Elements of the AUT and the method that operate on these Web Elements are maintained inside a class file.

What is POM in TestNG?

Which locator is slowest in Selenium?

XPath Locator
XPath Locator It is slowest among all locators. But it provides you reliable ways to locate web elements.

What is difference between POM and page factory?

Selenium WebDriver provides a class called PageFactory which helps to assist Page Object of Design patterns….Difference between POM and PageFactory :

S.No. POM PageFactory
4. ‘By’ annotation is used to define page objects. It uses annotation ‘FindBy’ to describe page objects.

What is difference between POM XML and TestNG XML?

xml is the configuration for TestNG testing framework (e.g. defining test suites, test listeners, etc…) pom. xml is the configuration for Maven build tool (e.g. defining build plugins, compile and test dependencies, build profiles, etc…)

What is cucumber in Selenium?

Cucumber is a behavior-driven development tool that can be used with Selenium (or Appium). Selenium is preferred by technical teams (SDETs/programmers). Cucumber is typically preferred by non-technical teams (business stakeholders and testers). Selenium is used for automated UI testing.

Which locator is fastest?

Which is faster driver in Selenium?

HTML UnitDriver
HTML UnitDriver is the most light weight and fastest implementation headless browser for of WebDriver. It is based on HtmlUnit. It is known as Headless Browser Driver.