What are all the animals names in Spanish?

Animals in Spanish

  • Dog = El perro.
  • Cat = El gato.
  • Horse = El caballo.
  • Hamster = El hámster.
  • Fish = El pez.
  • Bird = El pájaro.
  • Elephant = El elefante.
  • Rhinoceros = El rinoceronte.

Which animal has a Spanish name?

El cerdo/El puerco – Pig. La cabra – Goat. El burro – Donkey. El ratón – Mouse.

What is Spanish word for animal?

animals. animal; bruto, -ta.

What animals are feminine in Spanish?

List of animals with two different forms

English Masculine Feminine
elephant elefante elefanta
hen gallo gallina
goose ganso gansa
cat gato gata

Is dog feminine in Spanish?

Perro is a masculine word and it means Dog. There’s a feminine version of it by replacing the O with A , but it’s not used a lot because it can also be used as an insult , look here Dictionary. El perro, la perra. Like most nouns in Spanish, most animal names in Spanish have gender.

What’s the Spanish word for donkey?

burro in Spanish is “DONKEY”.

Does michi mean cat?

Michi – Cat Nowadays, in Mexico, michi has become the most popular informal word that people use to say ‘cat’.

What is the Spanish word for eel?

anguila. More Spanish words for eel.

What is the feminine of giraffe?

Like most nouns, the names for nearly all animals are either masculine or feminine. For example, the word for giraffe, jirafa is feminine, and it can be used when referring to any giraffe, whether male or female.

What female animal is a queen?

What’s good for the goose is good for the gander

Animal Male Female
Bear Boar Sow
Cat Tom Queen
Cattle Bull Cow
Chicken Rooster Hen

What is scorpion Latin?

Scorpius, (Latin: “Scorpion”) also called Scorpio, in astronomy, zodiacal constellation lying in the southern sky between Libra and Sagittarius, at about 16 hours 30 minutes right ascension and 30° south declination.

Does burrito mean little donkey?

‘Burrito’ Means “Little Donkey” The word burrito is a diminutive form of Spanish burro, meaning “little donkey.” Unfortunately, no one is sure exactly how the food got to be named after the pack animal.

How do Mexicans call cats?

What does Gata mean in Spanish slang?

“Gatita” is a normal way of referring to one’s female cat, or any other female cat to which one has sentimental attachment. On the other hand, the same words “gata” and “gatita” can be used to refer to a woman. This second usage is, at least, familiar, and may be deemed vulgar or offensive depending on the context.

What are baby bats called?

Baby bats are called pups! Most bats have only one pup a year.

What is the gender of duck?

A male is called a drake and the female is called a duck, or in ornithology a hen.