Are Korean bean sprouts good for you?

Bean sprouts are an excellent source of antioxidants, which protect against cell damage and may reduce the risk cancer and heart disease. Specific vitamins and minerals in bean sprouts include: Vitamin C.

How do you grow Korean mung bean sprouts?


  1. Pick out any broken or blemished beans.
  2. The next day, place the mesh net on the bottom of the planter and add a paper towel over it.
  3. Put the small bowl upside down in the large basin.
  4. Water the beans as often as you can, at least every 3 hours.
  5. On the 3rd day, the beans will start sprouting.

Are mung beans and bean sprouts the same thing?

You can sprout any bean. BUT when people refer to “bean sprouts” they are generally referring to the sprouts of mung beans, a small, round, green dried bean.

Can you eat mung bean sprouts raw?

Mung beans can also be enjoyed sprouted, both raw and cooked. The sprouted beans are best enjoyed in stir-fry meals and curries. You can learn how to sprout mung beans and other legumes here.

Are mung bean sprouts fattening?

These sprouts are substantial enough to stand-up to stir-frying, but they’re often used raw in salads and on sandwiches. Mung bean sprouts are low in calories, have fiber and B vitamins, and deliver a boost of vitamins C and K.

Can I grow my own mung bean sprouts?

You can sprout mung beans on your kitchen counter in as little as four days. Sprouting lentils is just as easy. While using a fancy automatic sprouter can make the job mindless, you don’t need any special equipment to be successful. You can start growing sprouts in a mason jar or a cotton bag.

Does mung bean have estrogen?

Kidney, navy, pinto, red, small white and mung beans as well as chickpeas, split peas, peanuts and clover sprouts also contain estrogenic compounds.

Can mung beans be poisonous?

Thorough cooking kills the dangerous bacteria, but few people cook raw sprouts. The FDA says people most at risk from foodborne illness — children, the elderly, pregnant women and anyone with a weakened immune system — should avoid eating raw sprouts of any kind, including alfalfa, clover, radish and mung bean sprouts.