How do I look up my vessel documentation?

Contact the USCG Vessel Documentation Center ( for vessel title and lien information.

How do you find out who owns a documented vessel?

Log on to the Office of Science and Technology’s copy of the Coast Guard’s database of all boats by name if the boat is registered with the help of the Coast Guard. When the site asks for the ship’s name and port of call, you may get the contact information and name of the registered owner.

Can you look up a boat by its name?

If you have the documentation number of the vessel, sometimes known as the hull number, then you may get a sole search result. However, if all that you have is the name of the boat then you will have to read through the information to try and discover which boat is the one you are interested in.

How do I find my USCG vessel documentation?

About this form

  1. For information regarding multi-year Certificates of Documentation for Recreational vessels, visit
  2. NOTICE – Official Number, which can be found on your current Certificate of Documentation (COD) is required to renew.

Where can I find my vessel number?

Displaying the Vessel Number and Validation Stickers

  1. Number must be painted, applied as a decal, or otherwise affixed to the forward half (bow) of each side of the vessel, placed well above the waterline.
  2. Number must read from left to right on both sides of the bow.

How do I find my ships official number?

Official numbers (ON) The official number is given to the vessel on its initial registration and is carved into the main beam of the vessel. It remains unchanged for the rest of the vessel’s career, even if the port of registry or ship’s name changes.

What are the benefits of having a documented vessel?

Documentation provides conclusive evidence of nationality for international purposes, provides for unhindered commerce between the states, and admits vessels to certain restricted trades, such as coastwise trade and the fisheries.

What does it mean when a boat is documented?

A documented vessel is one that is registered by the Federal Government through the U. S. Coast Guard, rather than titled and numbered by a state. Pleasure vessels of 5 net tons and over (26 feet in length and up) may be documented, and commercial vessels 5 net tons and over must be documented.

Can you search the Small Ships Register?

If the vessel has been registered with the UKSR previously you are able to search for it using an *SSR number ‘Claim my Vessel’ on the online system, through your account.

Do all boats have a USCG number?

Each boat documented with the US Coast Guard is given an “official number” which remains the same throughout the life of the boat. The owner is required to place the number on the interior structure of the hull.

How do I find my USCG documentation number?

To find a USCG documentation number, if possible, look on the vessel itself. The number will be preceded by the abbreviation “NO” and be somewhere on the interior of the hull.

What is vessel Official Number?

Vessel identification number (VIN) means a U.S. official number, a number assigned by a State, a number assigned by the Coast Guard, or a Lloyd’s Register of Shipping identification number issued to a U.S. or foreign commercial vessel for purposes of vessel identification.

What is IMO registration?

The Number consists of seven digits assigned by IHS Maritime. The label begins with the letters “IMO” followed by either “Company” or “Registered Owner”, then, followed by the seven digits. Once assigned, the Number remains unchanged for a company and/or registered owner.

Where are ships registered?

flag state
Under international law, every merchant ship must be registered with a country, known as its flag state. That country has jurisdiction over the vessel and is responsible for inspecting that it is safe to sail and to check on the crew’s working conditions.

What does it cost to document a vessel?

The initial documentation fee for a recreational vessel is $100.00. The numbering fee varies from State to State but averages about $25.00. In addition, documented vessels are not exempt from State or local taxes or other boating fees. Some individual States require a registration fee even if a boat is documented.

Should I USCG document or state title?

There’s a lot of confusion over whether – and when – a Coast Guard Documented vessel needs to be registered with the state. The short answer is that UCSG Documented boats never need to be titled with the state, but may need to be registered with the state depending on how long the boat is on the state’s waters.

What is the advantage of a documented vessel?

What is required to document a vessel?

Documented recreational vessels must have a clearly readable display with the vessel name and hailing port in one location on the hull (typically this is the stern). Letters must not be less than four inches in height.

How do I find out where a ship is registered?

To find a vessel in the register of shipping, you need to know at which port it was registered. The name of the port of registration should be shown on the stern under the vessel’s name, under the requirements of the shipping acts.

Do all ships have an IMO number?

Company and Registered Owner Regulation 2005 The regulation provides that every ship owner and management company shall have a unique identification number.