What is a session management vulnerability?

Abstract. Many cyber attacks exploit session management vulnerabilities that allow recognition of attackers as valid website users. Under these fake identities, attackers can steal sensitive data, alter private settings, and compromise website structure and content.

What is an example of a session related vulnerability?

If a user called Alice logged in, she would be greeted with “Hello Alice”. If Bob was logged in at the same time and opened the same page, he would see “Hello Bob” instead. The session variable is available across different files and isn’t restricted to file it is declared in. This can lead to a complication.

What is the meaning of session management?

Session management refers to the process of securely handling multiple requests to a web-based application or service from a single user or entity. Websites and browsers use HTTP to communicate, and a session is a series of HTTP requests and transactions initiated by the same user.

What is session management in security?

Regarding security, session management relates to securing and managing multiple users’ sessions against their request. In most cases, a session is initiated when a user supplies an authentication such as a password. A web application makes use of a session after a user has supplied the authentication key or password.

What is session management and broken authentication?

Simply stated, broken authentication & session management allows a cybercriminal to steal a user’s login data, or forge session data, such as cookies, to gain unauthorized access to websites.

What is an example of a session related vulnerabilities Mcq?

1 Answer. Session Hijacking is an example of a session-related vulnerability.

Which session management techniques can reduce security attacks?

c) Multi-factor authentication is the answer…

What session management technique can reduce security attacks?

What is a broken authentication vulnerability?

Broken authentication is an umbrella term for several vulnerabilities that attackers exploit to impersonate legitimate users online. Broadly, broken authentication refers to weaknesses in two areas: session management and credential management.

What is the impact of broken authentication and session management vulnerability?

In summary, broken authentication and session management has the potential to steal a user’s login data, or forge session data, such as cookies, to gain unauthorized access to websites. However, there are clear and easy solutions to prevent your site from being affected by this vulnerability.

Which of the following is not session layer vulnerability?

9. Which of the following is not a vulnerability of the network layer? Explanation: Weak or non-existent authentication is a vulnerability of the session layer. Route spoofing, identity & resource ID vulnerability & IP Address Spoofing are examples of network layer vulnerability.