What would the nuclear envelope be in a city?

Each part of the cell has its own function or purpose. The parts of the cell can be compared to the parts of a city based on their similar purpose….

Cell Part City Analogy Purpose
D. Nucleus City Hall Controls the activities
E. Nuclear Membrane Police Force Protects
F. Ribosomes Factory & Workers Makes products

What is a good analogy for nuclear envelope?

Cell Security The nucleus is surrounded by a double membrane that regulates what goes in and what goes out. If the nucleus is likened to the city hall of a city, then the membrane is like the security fence around it.

What is the cell city analogy for nucleus?

The Cell Membrane is like a City border because it controls what goes in and out of the city. The Nucleus is like the City Hall of the City because it controls most of the city by sending out information that it needs to function.

What part of a city is like the cell membrane?

The jelly-like area between the nucleus and the cell membrane is called the cytoplasm. It helps organelles move throughout the cell and fills the space between the nucleus and the cell membrane….

City Part Function Cell Part
Customization Shop Changes and puts the finishing touches on vehicles. Golgi Apparatus

What would the nuclear envelope be in a school?

A nuclear membrane is like a hall monitor. The nuclear membrane is like a hall monitor who controls traffic in the halls. The golgi apparatus is like a school secretary. The golgi apparatus is like a secretary because a secretary sorts and delivers messages to their co-workers(proteins).

What are some analogies for nucleus?

Analogy: The nucleus is like the brain of a human because the brain controls the actions of the body like the nucleus controls the cell. Analogy: Mitochondria act like a power plant because they both transform other materials to make energy. Function: Stores water, nutrients, & waste.

What is an analogy for nucleolus?

An analogy for the nucleolus is that the nucleolus is like a building materials manufacturer.

What can the nucleolus be compared to in a city?

Terms in this set (16) The nucleolus organizes the cell’s activity just like a mayor does for a city. The nuclear membrane is like a cities border because they control what goes in and out. The golgi body receives, sorts, and sends proteins away just like the post office does with packages.

How is a nucleolus like a city?

The nucleolus organizes the cell’s activity just like a mayor does for a city. The nuclear membrane is like a cities border because they control what goes in and out. The golgi body receives, sorts, and sends proteins away just like the post office does with packages.

What part of the city is the nucleus?

Terms in this set (16) The nucleus contains all of the genetic material in the cell like city hall protects all of the important documents in a city. The nucleolus organizes the cell’s activity just like a mayor does for a city. The nuclear membrane is like a cities border because they control what goes in and out.