How do you find the current density of a semiconductor?

Suppose, we have taken one conductor of cross-section 2.5 square mm. Now due to applied electric potential, the conductor carries a current of 3 A. Now the electric current carried by the conductor per square mm of its cross-section is 3/2.5 = 1.2 A.

What is the formula for current density in a wire?

The charge per unit time per unit area of an electrical current that travels through it. It is also measured perpendicular to the direction of flow. The current dimensional formula for density is [M0L-2T0I1].

What is charge density in semiconductor?

Charge density. • Charge carrier density, also known as carrier concentration, denotes the number of charge carriers in per volume. In SI units, it is measured in m−3. As with any density, in principle it can depend on position.

What is the total current in a semiconductor?

The total current in a semiconductor is the sum of electron and hole currents. Explanation: Electric current is carried by both electrons and holes in a semiconductor. The sum of the hole and electron currents in an intrinsic semiconductor is the total current.

What is the relation between current and current density?

The magnitude of current density is also equivalent to the ratio of current (I) to area (A). In equation form, current density can be written as… The SI unit of current density is the ampère per square meter [A/m2]….Summary.

microscopic current microscopic current density
I = nqAv J = nqv

What is the relation of current density?

Answer: Current density J is a vector quantity that is defined as the current flowing per unit area measured in a direction normal to the direction of flow of charge. The vector J is parallel to the electric field vector. In the above equation, the quantity nq2t/m is called conductivity σ.

What is mass action law related to semiconductor?

Law of mass action for extrinsic semiconductor For extrinsic semiconductor the law of mass action states that the product of majority carriers and minority carriers is constant at fixed temperature and is independent of amount of donor and acceptor impurity added.

How do you calculate total current?

What is the formula for a total current? IT = VT/RT or I total = V total / R total or the total current = the total voltage / the total resistance.

Who contribute to the current in a semiconductor?

Current flow in a semiconductor arises from the motion of charge carriers in both the conduction and valence bands. As explained in chapter 4, the mobile charges in the conduction band are electrons and those in the valence band are holes.