Are for-profit prisons publicly traded?

CoreCivic and GEO are the only pure-play U.S. prison stocks out there. There are several large companies that provide telecom and other services to federal and state-level facilities, but none of them trade publicly. Instead, most of them are private-equity owned.

What company owns private prisons?

Currently, the Bureau of Prisons has contracts with three private prison operators: CoreCivic (formerly known as Corrections Corporation of America), GEO Group, and MTC (Management and Training Corporation), which together operate twelve private federal prisons across the country.

How do corporations profit from prisons?

A private prison, on the other hand, is run by a corporation. That corporation’s end goal is to profit from anything they deal in. In order to make money as a private prison, the corporation enters into a contract with the government. This contract should state the basis for payment to the corporation.

Are for-profit prisons the same as private prisons?

The main difference between the two types of prisons comes down to money. Each for-profit facility or institution houses people who violated the law. They are run by private, third-party companies rather than the state government, who runs traditional public prison.

Are private prisons on the stock market?

CoreCivic. CoreCivic is a prison stock that provides detention operation services. They do this, and have their own prisons and correctional facilities.

Who owns CCA?

The largest owner of CCA stock was Vanguard Group, Inc., with 16.79 million shares valued at $578.9 million, followed by Vanguard’s Specialized-REIT Index Fund, a mutual fund, with 8.8 million shares. Other top institutional investors included Managed Account Advisors with 6.4 million shares, London Co.

Who is invested in private prisons?

Along with BlackRock, those include Vanguard, State Street and Fidelity. Under the leadership of president and CEO Abigail Johnson, Fidelity has actually increased its stake in CoreCivic from about 1.5 percent in February 2020 to more than 10 percent in June, according to regulatory filings.

What percent of prisons are privately owned?

Private prisons in the United States incarcerated 115,428 people in 2019, representing 8% of the total state and federal prison population.

How much profit do private prisons make?

Private prisons make a profit – an estimated $374 million annually – giving them an incentive to cut costs more than public facilities. Private facilities have been shown to hire fewer staff and train them less.

How many prisons are for-profit?

Jurisdiction 2000 2019
Alaska 1,383 221
Arizona 1,430 8,291
Arkansas 1,540 0
California 4,547 1,134

Are for-profit prisons good?

The advantages of private prisons include lower operating cost, controlling the population of prisoners, and the creation of jobs in the community. The disadvantages of private prisons include a lack of cost-effectiveness, a lack of security and safety concerns, poor conditions, and the potential for corruption.

Can a private company build a for-profit prison?

The captain was sentenced to six years in federal prison and a $5,000 fine. There are many ways to create a for-profit prison facility. A private company can finance and build a prison and then bid for a government contract to also run it.

How much is the private prison industry worth?

The private prison industry was thought to have been worth $5 billion in 2015. “The product is the prisoner” in private prisons, said Jeannie Alexander, Director of the No Exceptions Prison Collective, in an interview with Voice Of America.

How much do for-profit prison corporations spend on campaign donations?

The three largest for-profit prison corporations have spent more than $45 million on campaign donations and lobbyists to keep politicians on the side of privatized incarceration. In light of all of their ethical violations, it’s obvious that they have to offer some incentive for keeping their business legal.

How many people are sent to private prisons?

First, a bit of background. Private prisons house 128,195 inmates on behalf of the federal government and state governments (or at least they did as of 2010).