How can I reach chanakyapuri by metro?

Nearest Metro station:Chanakyapuri has two neighboring metro stations – Jor Bagh metro Station and Lok Kalyan Marg metro station. These stations are on Yellow Line, connecting Gurgaon and Rohini.

Does chanakyapuri has metro station?

There are two metro stations nearest to Chanakyapuri Delhi. Both the above metro stations are available on Yellow Line of Delhi Metro. Jor Bagh Metro Staion to Chanakyapuri: The distance between jor bagh metro station to chanakyapuri is 5 km.

Which metro station is near to US embassy?

The Delhi Safdarjung station is the nearest one to USA Embassy in Delhi.

Which metro station is near to War Memorial?

What’s the nearest metro station to National War Memorial in Delhi? The Khan Market station is the nearest one to National War Memorial in Delhi.

How many metro station are there in Ghaziabad?

The Red line has eight stations — Shaheed Nagar, Raj Bagh, Major Mohit Sharma Rajendra Nagar, Shyam Park, Mohan Nagar, Arthala, river Hindon and Shaheed Sthal New Bus Adda. “We held meetings with station in-charges of DMRC on Monday and all 10 stations will open as per schedule.

On which metro line is chanakyapuri?

Chanakyapuri Nearest Metro Station

Metro Station Name Distance Line
Jor Bagh Metro Station 3.2 KM. Yellow Line

Can we go to National War Memorial?

Yes, National War Memorial is open on all days. Entry may have to be restricted on certain days for stipulated time owing certain ceremonial functions.

Which metro is near to India Gate?

Central Secretariat Metro station
Central Secretariat Metro station is nearest to India gate. It comes under the violet and yellow line of metro railways. The distance of this metro station from the India Gate is 2.3 Km; you can simply walk or take a taxi to reach this metro station from India Gate.

Is metro start from Ghaziabad?

Ghaziabad: All 10 metro stations under the two metro networks in Ghaziabad will open for passenger operations from September 9 and 10.

What is the cost of Delhi national memorial cost?

Since 1947, it has served as family accommodation for mid-level armed forces officers posted in the Service Headquarters in New Delhi. The proposed National War Museum will be connected by metro. The construction of the War Memorial and Museum is expected to cost ₹500 crore (US$70 million).