How do you input data in SAS?

One of the most common ways to read data into SAS is by reading the data instream in a data step – that is, by typing the data directly into the syntax of your SAS program. This approach is good for relatively small datasets. Spaces are usually used to “delimit” (or separate) free formatted data.

How do I manually input data into SAS?

A SAS program to enter data manually consists of at least 3 statements, namely:

  1. The DATA Statement to begin a DATA Step and to specify the name of your dataset.
  2. The INPUT Statement to define the names and the types of the variables in your dataset.
  3. The DATALINES (or CARDS) Statement to specify the data in your dataset.

What is an input statement in SAS?

The INPUT statement reads raw data from instream data lines or external files into a SAS data set . You can use the following different input styles , depending on the layout of data values in the records: list input. column input. formatted input.

What is an example of an input statement?

For example, the INPUT statement for the class data file might look as follows: infile inclass; input name $ sex $ age height weight; These statements tell IML the following: There are five variables: NAME, SEX, AGE, HEIGHT and WEIGHT.

What is input statement?

The INPUT statement lets the user type ahead when entering a response. Users familiar with a sequence of prompts can save time by entering data at their own speed, not waiting for all prompts to be displayed. Responses to a sequence of INPUT prompts are accepted in the order in which they are entered.

How do you enter text in SAS?

Here is how to import a text file into SAS with a SAS DATA Step:

  1. Specify the output dataset.
  2. Define the file location, file name, and file extension of the text file.
  3. Specify the INFILE options.
  4. Define the formats of the variables in the text file.
  5. Define the formats of the variables in the output dataset.

What is a input statement?

What is basic input statement?

The INPUT statement is a means for data statement. It includes READ-DATA Statements. It enables us to input data into a program through the computer keyboard. INPUT statement takes this form: INPUT. The list of variables is separated with comma.

What is the syntax of input?

The INPUT statement has two syntaxes. The first syntax displays a prompt and assigns the input to variable. The second syntax specifies the location of the input field on the screen and lets you display the current value of variable. Both the current value and the displayed input can be formatted.

How can I input multiple raw data files in SAS?

– Creating a variable filepath that has the path and the file name; – Issuing an infile statement using the value in filepath as the physical file name; – Using the end = option in the infile statement to indicate the end of the current data file; – Looping through the current file specified in the infile statement to read in all the observations;

How to enter and read raw data in SAS?

delimiter = “,” or dlm=”,” tells that commas are used in the raw data file to separate the values.

  • firstobs: It tells the line number (firstobs=2) where from SAS can begin reading the raw data file. This is the line where the actual values begin.
  • dsd: It indicates SAS to read consecutive commas as missing values.
  • How to access data stored in output from SAS proc?

    out= myData ; run; quit; Instead specify your file type and location to correctly access the file, but then you also need to remember to clean it up after the fact. The TEMP location allows you to not have to worry about that. filename myData ‘/folders/myfolders/demo.csv’; Fully explained walkthroughs are here:

    How to do input in SAS?


  • list (simple and modified)
  • formatted
  • named.