What is the average time for shotgunning a beer?

How Fast Can The Average Person Shotgun A Beer? I have managed to clock an average of somewhere between 4 and 5 during my career. In general, it takes between 5 and 6 seconds. Guy: “The first couple of races will be to display your talent, skill, and form with your boys;” “Should take about 2-5 seconds.”.

How do you shotgun a beer cleanly?

Tilt the beer horizontally so that you can poke a whole where your mouth goes. Make sure the bottom part of the can is a little higher so that there’s an air bubble. When you poke the air pocket, it prevents the beer from spraying everywhere.

What is the easiest beer to shotgun?

Pabst Blue Ribbon is a classic choice when it comes to a beer that is easy to drink. Other good drinks featured on this top beer to chug list include Coors Light, Red Stripe, and Lone Star. Which beer do you think is the best for chugging?

What’s the world record for chugging a beer?

What Is The World Record Of Drinking Beer? This is amazing, but true – an American, Steven Petrosino, consumed a liter of alcohol in just one hour. Three s. It is a record that has remained unbroken to date.

Does shotgunning get you drunk faster?

Does shotgunning get you drunk faster? Yes, shotgunning a beer will get you drunk faster than drinking a beer normally. It’s no secret that the faster you consume alcohol, the drunker you’ll get.

How do I keep my throat open when I drink?

If you are going to drink a pint, lean back, open your throat, and take a half breath right before you start. The beer should rush backwards up your throat as you swing the glass. To avoid drinking beer down your throat, you should try to swallow immediately before it hits, otherwise the liquid will simply flow down.

How do you chug a beer without throwing up?

How Do You Chug Beer And Not Throw Up? It is a Glass that is being drank. Wait for the beer to cool before pouring it in a glass. It’s best to wait for bubbles to disappear before you start chugging.

How do I get better at chugging?

While you’re chugging, the key to getting the beer down as quickly as possible is not stopping to breathe, so taking a deep breath before you start will give you enough air to sink the beer before you need another lungful of air. If it’s a race and you stop to breathe, you have almost no chance of winning.

Who drank the most alcohol in one sitting?

Andre once consumed 119 12-oz beers in six hours. To put that in mere mortal terms, that equates to a 12-oz beer downed every three minutes, non-stop, for six hours straight. After the marathon drinking session, Andre (understandably) passed out in a hotel lobby and couldn’t be moved or stirred.

How to properly shotgun a beer?

Choose your beer with care. There are people out there who’ll shotgun any old beer.

  • Choose your location with care too. We’re going to show you how to shotgun with minimal spillage.
  • Positioning for puncture.
  • Denting the can.
  • The perfect puncture.
  • Time to drink.
  • Know your limits.
  • Shotgunning other drinks.
  • How to shotgun a beer three ways?

    Place your mouth over the hole. Keep the beer can horizontal so the hole is facing up and bring it to your mouth.

  • Tilt the can to a vertical position. Let gravity do most of the work for you.
  • Pop the tab open with your other hand. Don’t suck any of the beer out until the tab is open.
  • Drink the beer as fast as you can.
  • How to shotgun a beer with your thumb?

    visualize that there is no can

  • confidence is everything,attack it like you can do it,even if it’s your first time
  • try different types of cans – Coca Cola seemed to be the easiest,but I have no quantitative data to support this
  • I didn’t go this far,but doing some thumb exercises might help
  • How to choose the best shotgun for You?


  • Actions.
  • Choke.
  • My Shotgun.
  • Making the Monster.
  • Build Your Own Beast.
  • Truck Guns.
  • The Shotgun’s Biggest Advantage.
  • The Best Shotgun For Hunting.
  • If you live in a state that requires you to hunt deer with a shotgun and you don’t value your hunting experience enough to move,NEVER use buckshot on deer